Chapter 3

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The people of Sylveris was enjoying a wonderful day the sky had no clouds to be seen, the cool summer wind cooling the hot summer sun.

This was stopped when there was a great disruption


A great crack of thundering sound ripped through the calm day.

In the forest prey and predators flee from the origin of the sound even dragons stopped what they were doing


The HEAT round hit the wall and made a hole that can fit my cannon through a to not break it the local militia is now been alerted to my escape I have 0% what this place looks like so I must deploy my scout drone to map out the terrain and building's to make a route as urban combat is hard even for a panzer, as the enemy has what the strange human said "Magic".

Vec[Enemy has what my data could collect has a fantasy power which has the power of a nuclear weapon from an UNKNOWN source of origin.

Conclusion... Enemy power UNKNOWN a strategic retreat is advised if the enemy uses
"Magic" NEUTRALIZE before the enemy can get a shot off
coaxial gun and FLW 200 is recommended, avoid unnecessary use of ammunition.]


Vec[route found
Operation raging thunder is active]

(Pov change)

Tuka: Wh- What's going on?!

Helena: don't know!


Tuka: that's horrible! We have to get the phoenix guard!

Knight: we have already sent a messenger to the king for help it will be only moments before they kill that beast!

Aelena|Tuka: we hope so...


Vac[Enemy compound is now alerted need to relocate to a more defensible location drone map shows that there is a thick forest surrounding this area]


Vec[Enemy has spotted my position possible chance that they have sent reinforcements to capture me]

[New biome located Plains in east and south]
[New biome located Desert in the east]

Vec[Desert is the best thing that can help me with no crew I can use the desert heat to discourage my pursuers]

(Pov change)

Mage: The metal demon is now going to the east side!

Captain: that's strange why would it be now heading to the east side of the city?

Mage: it's possible that it is aiming for the [Fog Crystal]!

Captain: We can't let that happen! If it destroys the [Fog Crystal] then the fog will disappear and we will be left in the open!

Mage: And it may be doing that so the demon army can go unharmed and weakened!

Captain: By the goddess, we can't let that happen!
We need to use the dryad...

Mage: we cant! If it awakened too early then it may turn on us!

Captain: we have to its the only way we can save the capital

Mage: as you say...

[Pov change to Vec]

Vec[ there are 2 walls in my way and only two way to go in
1) is to use the gates with high resistance but low chance of rubble crushing me
2) is to make my own way to get out with little resistance but high chance of rubble crashing on top of me destroying me]

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