chapter 9

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After months of Procrastinating
I have finished
Gaijins summer event didn't help

[Time 1 week later]

It has been a week after Alura has posted a quest
For us to get coal.

During this time Vec asked if she could grow some Rubber trees that vec has dug up from his memory bank and the few pieces of the internet that was saved onboard when Vec's Crew was still operating

It seems that Rubber trees were a type of tree that was used to make roofs and sealing fluids but was seen as a weeds in this world as it cant burn well and if it did, it would produce lots of Smoke
And that smoke was useless to them as it can be easily be done with magic

After a few fails Alura got the right tree that can be used.

And now it seems that our quest was finished

Suprisingly it was the "hero" group that finished our quest.
And so after a week of "working hard" Vec has finished their request

1 broadsword with Iron wood grip

1 Katana with Iron wood handle

1 bow made of living wood body and a Highly durable sting and a Quiver of arrows made from steel heads and iron Wood Shaft

Pistol Holster made from Steel and Iron wood

It was time to deliver the rewards to the Heroes

[Pov change to Vec]


Alura: Yes?

Vec[ It is time to deliver the rewards to the Hero group]

Alura: oh, it's time?

Vec[ yes, and I have made the task of bringing all these weapons easier than normal, I had the E.C.B
To build a Trailer]

Alura: Really! Thank you very much Vector!


Alura: Well I better get going, bye!

(POV narrator)

With Alura out of the way I had the E.C.B Build multiple other Robots, these include a Dedicated Construction Robot
The CR has a bulky hull that helps it stay in its spot. It has 1 big arm, 1 crane, a pickup on its rear
And it is all supported on a Tracks wide enough to hold this monstrous Vehicle

When it was finished it booted up and immediately started working
Its objective was a warehouse
It went to the storage area full of wood planks and other materials

Worker bot was built also
The worker bot has 2 Multitool arms that help it build whatever it was instructed
Its 4 tires that was made with Alura's magic
And the Rubber trees that was grown
(Note, the wheels were built when Alura was present)

It went to the Storage area and gathered the needed supplies and went with the C.R

The two robots started to build the warehouse were vec will start to construct its factory and workplace

When Alura came back the two robots already finished 1/4 of the building

The building has the backup Solar panels to power its needed energy

[POV Vec]

Alura: so what's the need for that... black slabs?

Vec[ Solar Panels]

Alura: yeah.. the solar panels, what's the need for those? You said that they were need to power you but what good are they when they are on top of the building?

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