chapter 5

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I'm very sorry for the late chapter
The school has been a pain in the ass but...
Its school and I need the knowledge to get a job in Germany!
So enjoy this chapter guys and gals!

[Narrator pov]

The way to the desert was uneventful the wildlife didn't disturb the unholy death machine.
The buzz of the motor sounded like a nest of killer wasps always angry and ready to protect the queen.

But then.

[Vec pov]

[Battery at 15%]

Vec started to slow down and is now heading for cover, no use of camo paint if it got no cover the same as it is.
Vec found a small ditch with 4 medium-sized trees and one big tree with small bushes


Vec[deploy solar panels]

[Solar panels deploying]

a small pole extended from the top of the MBT and is now charging the battery.

[Estimated time...9 hours]

Alura: hmm? Hey Vec why did you stop?

Vec[need to recharge battery]

Alura: whats a battery? Is it some magical item?!

Vec[ Nein a battery is an item used to power most of my "Body" and is used to move and "Think"]

Alura: so it's your kind of [life force]?

Vec[ [life force]? What is it?

Alura: life force exists in every living thing in the world! Just like [mana] It is everywhere, from the soft grass to the mighty dragons. Lifeforce is quite different for the monsters, the life force for them will crystallize and form a monster core similar to a heart and is also used to store [mana] so wizards use the cores to help power their practices. Some Wizards use life force from monster cores to create golems, many have failed but some had success in controlling these behemoths and is a death sentence for any facing the golem.

Vec[ understood. Alura please move away from me for a moment]

Alura: why?

Vec[ because I'm opening up for me to use a drone]

Alura: whats a drone? Is it an insect?

Vec[ look and see for your self]

Alura: yes.

Vec[good now system]

Vec[Deploy drone]

[Drone deploying]

A loud hum filled the air and a small drone flew out of its dock

*whirrrrrrrr*A loud hum filled the air and a small drone flew out of its dock

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