Chapter 8

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Hey guys, as you can see
I'm VERY lazy
But with your Nice comments, I made this
If you want me to write faster
Keep pestering me to remind me to get back to work
If you have suggestions, please me know
I read everything, you guys put

It makes me happy to know that you people are enjoying this weird niche I like too


Should I start a WEBTOON account when I get a Drawing tablet?

Anyway let's get back to world-building

[Location Deep Forest Mountain]

After Hours of driving Vec, Alura has reached their destination

After finding a flat enough place to start building his base,

First, he needed a [emergency constructor bot]
It is a robot the size of a toolbox when folded and will be the same height as a German Shepherd when folded out

He first commanded the E.C.B to start cutting down the trees and build a Shed to keep out of the rain(you know what happens to a car that's left in the rain too long)
While Alura used her magic to weave her self a nice little house and other things needed for her survival

2 days later, the E.C.B finished its command and shutdown near Vec.
While the E.C.B was doing its things Vec was building a more useful thing
A mining robot, this robot will go into a cave and do its intended job, but as mines are Notoriously dangerous (Cave-ins) Vec had the E.C.B recharged and made it to strengthen the cave with Lumber and also make a more safe entrance to the cave.

Vec Asked Alura to go and get themselves Iron bars and Copper, Alura asked why Vec needed copper Vec answered

Vec[I need copper because it is in organics terms
my Veins that transport power through me]

So vec gave Alura a Dagger made from the local iron and Had the E.C.B to create it.
Unintentionally it was Better than the Swords that is made by Organic hands, as it could cut through Her Magic Vines that she uses to ensnare people

Note[if this is great by this world term, then I have to make a Fabricator make a better and faster than the E.C.B, to gift high-class people]

After a few days, The miner Robot has mined the first true Ore Vein, after week the miner robot has extracted 1/4 of the vein

While the Robot was extracting the ore, E.C.B was building a Blast Furnace

In the meantime, Vec was using his own Multi-tool to create a defensive turret made with his spare parts
Using most of his spare parts and parts of the destroyed drone, he has salvaged:
The sensors, energy shield, and internal motors.
In the end, the turret looks like his top-mounted
.50Cal gun with multiple servos/motors and optics. With this, he can provide protection to his base from Ground, unfortunately in the process of putting it together, it has lost most of its elevation as it's now too heavy to look too high up it still can elevate to +10°

He sent out his Second [Dragon fly drone] and had it map out the surrounding area



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