Chapter 1

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The crimson blood seeped through her shirt as she tried to cover the wound. A little girl ran to her, sobbing.

"Mommy, are you going to be ok? Daddy is gone and I don't want to be alone" The girl asked as she tried to wipe away the tears.

The mother smiled with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry my dear Artemis... just know that I will always be with you." The woman took her last breath and her head fell onto the cold autumn ground.

The little girl held onto her mother's hand as she watched her mother's tan skin turn pale.

"Mom..." She cried as the rouges ran off.

She watched them run away. A growing hatred started to form as she watched the ones who murdered her mother run away. Wiping off the blood and tears, she got up and walked towards the pack house that was in ruins. Little Artemis took a bag with some of her mother's clothes as she packed some other necessities. The intelligent 6 year old carried the bag as she left. She passed her mother's dead body and stopped. Artemis dug a hole and made a proper burial for her mother before she left her home for good.


I woke up with sweat and tears rolling down my face.

"Mom..." I quickly wiped my face with the sleeve of my mom's old sweater.

I looked around and spotted a brown bunny hopping towards the tree I was currently perched on. I smiled as it munched on some berries that were hidden under some leaves.

"Breakfast in bed. How lucky I am today."

I hopped off the tree and grabbed the bunny as I landed next to it. I quickly snapped it's neck before it could get out of my arms. I set it down and started a small fire. The smell of blood made it to my nose as I started cooking it. I always hated the smell of blood... It reminded me of my mother and how a rouge cut her stomach as she tried to protect me. I sighed and ate the bunny as I watched the sun rise.

𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕎𝕖𝕖𝕜 𝕃𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣

Blake's POV:

I combed through by soft blonde hair as I walked to my my locker. I'm a senior and an alpha. I'm a strict alpha but I have to be if I plan on becoming the future alpha king.


I groaned as I heard the familiar high pitched voice. I slammed my locker door shut and looked at Claire in annoyance.

"We're not dating! How many times do I have to tell you?! We never dated! Never have. Never will" I growled as I started heading to class.

Claire was the pack doctor's daughter. The pack doctor, Daniel, was highly respected and was trusted by everyone. Claire got her father's hazel brown hair and her mother's golden eyes. But what she got on her own was her spoiled personality. She was the worst person you'd every meet. If she wants something she always gets it. She gets everything and everyone she wants. I was the only exception. I hated her guts but she never got the hint.

"B-but I'm your mate!" She cried as she ran after me.

That was something else I hated about her. She never gets it! I always tell her 'We're not mates' or 'We're not dating' but she always ignores me.


Artemis's POV:
I took the money from my boss and headed to the high school. I never been to school before. I was homeschooled since I was a six but then the rouges attacked. I brought a giant textbook with me before I left so I know what any college student would know. I have to go to high school before I can go to college though.

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