The Dragon's Village

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The Ox-cart drops me in the village,this village was know to be govern by a dragon..

My name is Vincent,Vincent droevigger just a normal mage who wants a quiet life in the province... I am knowledgeable in healing herbs I was thinking I'll helping the village with my expertise

As I walk to the village, the village elder greets me welcoming me in the village

"Welcome, are you the mage that requested to live in here?" He ask me

"Yes good sir I am that mage" I answered him

"I see,follow me then"

The village elder walks in a house.. it was not big.. but enough for me to do my work.. plus is was isolated .. so if something bad happen.. maybe some of my potion explodes.. no one would be harmed

"Thank you village elder this is perfect" I said smiling as I once again look at the house

"I'll be going now lad" the elder said as he hand me the keys for the house

As I open the house it's was really clean.. I didn't expect it to be clean.. it's was probably cleaned by the village..

I drag my gigantic bag inside and puts my glass bottles,beaker,and test tubes

"Alright... Everything is set.. I'll probably look around the forest for herbs"

I grab a small bag inside my larger bag,which is stupid.. I didn't why I put a bag inside a bag, a sling bag

I walked into the forest nearby it was beautiful forest, full of life and green the air is fresh and the ground looks healthy

I started picking up herbs, healing herbs for cold and fever

"Wow... There's a lot of herbs here, I should plant in my house though"

After a few minutes of herb hunting I walk back to my house

Walking into the beautiful forest,I think about my decision of living here, all I can say that it's the greatest decision I ever made in my life

"Look out!!!" A shout coming from my right side I look to see a wild boar charging at me full force I quickly jump out of the way

"What the hell is that!?" I look at the boar once again who was ready to charge again

This boar is ... Extremely oversize, how amazing...

The boar once again charges at me I was readying my spell charging it in my right hand when I was about to attack..

A girl, a silver haired girl with a reptilian like tail grabs the boar's tusk stopping it charge.. her strength is amazing stopping a raging monstrousity with her bare hands

She then kick the boar in the face knocking it out with one hit "whew! That would take care of the problem.."

Here then I realise that girl on front of me... Is a dragon.. this girl is the ruler of the village

"Hey you there! Sorry for the trouble!.." she then stared at me examining me "I never see you around here, are you... Perhaps the new guy who lives in my domain?"

"Y-yes.. I'm Vincent drovigger a mage, I'll be acting as the village doctor for now on"

"Nice to meet you! I'm lirzlyth! The ruler of this land, it's nice meeting you Vincent "

And...thus the start of my... Chaotic life with this dragon..

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