A Potion for farming

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Vincent's POV

I was really busy for the past few days, people all around the village has been visiting me seeking help for their illness and to get medicine

But today... The village has a problem...

The village live by farming, farming certain vegetables and fruits, and we're getting terrorise by Bugs and other pest ..

Good think I know a solution! A potion that would make the bugs and pest away if we put it in the plant

I take my bag and went out to the forest to find the the ingredients for the potion

Walking through the forest, seeing it again is pleasant feeling, the air is as fresh as ever

I grab some herbs as I go deeper..

First ingredient is called the floweshroom.. a mushroom that is actually edible and smelled like a flower, it was not tasty... But if I'm hungry I can probably eat it, it can be found in a damp dark area sprouting from a wood... Good thing I found a couple in thick part of the forest where there are barely light getting in

Next is a ... Oh f*ck... Dragon's... Saliva... It was a pretty  rare ingredient but people has make a artificial in of it... But it takes too long to make a artificial one... Plus I need it now.. and the town that I can buy one is very far...

The I realise... Oh yah . I can just ask her...

After gathering all ingredients... I walk towards the mansion of the dragon ruler of this land...

Before I even arrive I walk pass her while she's fishing on a pond..

"Uhh?" I look at her

"Oh! Hi  Vincent! How's life!? Did you come here to fish!?" She's hyper as usual ..

I sighed "I need your saliva ."

She look at next questioning my motive "huh? What do you mean you need my saliva?"

"It's complicated but I need it to help the village.."

"I-is that so.. " she is blushing.. well this is kinda embarrassing so . Yah..

"H-here.. just give me a bit.." I give her a bottle..

She then put her saliva in the bottle before closing it.

"I-if it's for the village I'll do anything!!!" She's still embarrass...

"Thank you Liz .." I said before walking away even I was embarrass...

But then I didn't sleep and make the potion and the next day I spray it in the crops with the villagers and the results is perfect...

I will make my own artificial dragon saliva now... I don't want to ask her that again..


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