the mansion

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Vincent's POV

"Alright... This is it..." I knock on the door of the giant mansion on the hill and wait for an answer

few seconds after I knock a maid open the door for me

"Are you perhaps Mr.Droevigger?" She ask me with a smile

"Y-yes... I'm Vincent droevigger" I answered the main, the main has a black hair and purple eyes, I also noticed her wolf like ears and wolf like tail wagging... So she's a beastman...

"Welcome Mr. Droevigger please come in" she open the door wide for me to go inside

Once I walked inside I was astonish, the mansion is very fancy, the mansion walls are decorated with various paintings and antiques

"Please follow me" the wolf girl maid said as she walks to a door, where the living room is located, I followed her still looking around

The maid open the door of the living room, inside is lirzlyth and another woman wearing a black and red cloak with it's hood on her head

"Ohhh! Vincent! You're here!" Lirzlyth wave at me

I wave back at her and smile

The woman cloaked woman stands up "thanks for giving me your time miss lirzlyth " she hold lirzlyth hands and shake her hands

"It's nothing Miss Ariana Hornraven" lirzlyth smiles at the hooded woman

As the hooded woman walk towards the door

I saw a glimpse of her face she has a crimson red hair and crimson red eyes...

"Let's go Loscivia" the hooded woman called a name as she walk out of the door

She was followed by a dark elf woman in armor who was standing beside the door

I didn't notice her...

"Vincent!" Lirzlyth runs towards me and hold my hand and pull me towards the sofa "come and sit down! Aisha prepare us some tea please!"

"As you mash miss Lirzlyth" the wolf maid answered and walk out of the room

"Hmm.. btw Liz...who is that woman from before with a dark elf?" I ask her

"Oh her? She's from a kingdom that ask for permission to use the route in the mountains that is also my domain"

"I see"

A kingdom huh? Maybe that woman is messenger from the kingdom of towerfall...

"Alright... Liz why do you invite me here?",

Lirzlyth smiled at me that makes me nervous for some reason


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