the dragon's unexpected visit

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Vincent's POV

I was in my house preparing, arranging my equipments, beakers.. test tubes... Everything I use in making potions and medicine

"This place is looking good" I look around once again and smiled, this life is all I wish for.. a quiet and simple life

I open the door and start watering the herbs that I recently plant,the fresh air blews, the feeling is great and refreshing

So far, no villagers have any kind if sickness that's why they won't come here.. well except those who give gifts for me most of them are my neighbors

And the dragon.. yeah,the one who owns the land, the girl who I met in the forest

He give me portions of the wild boar that she kills,say it a gift for the new comer

"Alright... Maybe I should go to the forest again!", Yep.. since I have nothing to do...

"Not so fast!" A familiar voice shouts from the sky


Suddenly the dragon lands in front of me with her sword in her side her wings shownned

"Yow! I came to visit!" She said with a I am confused...why Is she here? Of all people why her?

"Uhh? You visit me?" I ask her

"Yep! I came to visit!" She answered happily..

"Looks like I'll stay at home for today" I sighed and open the door for her "come in, I'll make us some tea"

I walk to the kitchen and start to heat water to make tea

The dragon sit in the chair in my small dining table waiting for the tea

"It's pretty comfy here, and you are very tidy mage!"

"Thank you Miss-"



"You can call me lirzlyth!"

W-well she want me to call her by her name..

"Alright then, lirzlyth.." silence with her smiling at me

"Wow this is awkward..." She said "no one has ever call me by my name except my parents, please just call me Liz"

"Then why did you let me say your name in the first place!?" I suddenly shouted but "sorry.."

She giggles "don't worry I'm not bothered at all, plus I don't want apologetic mushrooms.."

Apologetic what?...

"Here's the tea miss Liz" I serve the cup of tea to her "please enjoy"

Liz take a sip and smiles "it's great!" She shouts "it's so great!!!! What is this!!!???"

"I-it's calleds snow Green tea... It was made from a special tea leave that can live in a cold climate by using magic"

"I never heard of this!"  She takes another sip...

I don't know how long would she stay here... But I guess it's kinda fun to have someone in my home


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