Chapter 16: Flirty Much

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I roll over in bed the next morning and check my phone to only discover that it is indeed dead.
"Well that's just great" I sigh in annoyance.
I get up out of bed and stretch. I had to go to school today which was unfortunate, I just wanted to spend more time with Alex. I sigh again and grab the shirt he gave me and jeans that I wore yesterday and go to the bathroom and have a shower. The hot water hitting my skin was a nice feeling to wake up to. Once I was finished, I did whatever else I had to do to finish getting ready. Thanks to his mum, I was able to borrow some things from the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at myself and actually smiled for once. I looked good in his shirt and I felt rather confident for some reason. Once I was done, I headed downstairs to find Alex.

I get to the kitchen and see Alex busying away over the stove top. I was about to say something but had another thought. He hadn't realised I'd come from upstairs so I slowly crept up behind him, being as quiet as I could. Making sure he wasn't touching the hot frypan, I jab him in his ribs giving him a massive fright. I couldn't control my laughter.
"Kristy bloody hell you scared the shit out of me."
"I'm not even sorry after that reaction" I say between laughs.
"Well in that case, no food for you."
"Awww that's rude."
"Shouldn't scare me then ay?"
He turns away and continues cooking.
"I'm sorry" I say and hug him from behind.
I give him puppy dog eyes when he looks at me. I can tell he's trying to fight the urge of giving in.
"Fine" he sighs but smiles.
"Yay!" I say in excitement and he laughs.
"Only because you're going to school" he says and serves up a plate of pancakes and maple syrup.
"You are the best" I say and and sit at the table.
"Now you tell me because I gave you food?" He says sitting across from me.
"Am I meant to say it any other time?"
He gives me a look and I poke my tongue out at him.
"Child" he says but I can tell he was enjoying it.
"You look good in that shirt by the way" he smirks, "where'd you get it?"
I fling the piece of pancake from my fork at him.
"You really like throwing things at me don't you?"
"You really like being a flirt."
"But" he says leaning forward, "you enjoy that."
I roll my eyes and just continue eating. Knowing he'd gotten to me, he smiles mischievously and continues eating as well.
"Oh before I forget" I say and he eyes me.
"Do you have a charger I can borrow? My phone died."
"Yeah, I'll give it to you when we're done."
"Cool thanks."

"Hey Kris, come on we gotta go, you're going to be late" Alex says as he stands at the door.
"I'm coming" I say as I run down the stairs, "but what if my plan is to be late?"
"I'm not being responsible for that, come on."
He closes the door behind us and we start walking to school.
"Since when did you care about being on time for school?"
"Because you'll complain about me getting you there late and then you'll blame me."
"I would not."
"You would too, I know you."
I roll my eyes, "Yeah you're right."
We continue walking for quite some time, just enjoying each others company. I can see the school up ahead, now knowing Alex would have to head home once he dropped me off.
"You didn't have to walk me you know" I say.
"Well, my mum said I had to but..."
He mumbles something.
"Yes Gaskarth I totally understood whatever you just said."
"But I wanted to" he says, blushing like mad.
"I mean hey, I don't mind some good company" I smile.
He looked relieved at my comment.
We arrive at the school gates and I turn to him.
"Thanks for last night and walking me here, it really means a lot to me."
"As I said, I'm always going to be here for you, you know that."
I nod and look at the school in front of us.
"It's gonna be ok" he says.
I hug Alex one more time before I had to head inside. I didn't want to let him go though.
"Hey Alex!"
We let go of each other at the sound of Jack's voice as he runs over to us.
"Hey dude, what's up?" Alex asks
"I just wanted to say thanks for looking after Kristy last night. You know because she was sick and all" Jack says looking at me suspiciously.
"Ugh, yeah. No problem at all."
"Well you better go before the principal catches you."
"Yeah, Kris remember what I said."
I nod, "see ya Alex."
Alex waves and then leaves the school premises.
"What the fuck were you doing at his place?" Jack questions annoyed.
"I happened to run into him when getting some air and he invited me over and I happened to fall asleep."
"Well because of you, I got in trouble for your stupid lies. Telling me you're sick, bullshit. If you're gonna be seeing my best friend. MY, best friend, be bloody honest with me."
"Ok, I'm sorry."
"Whatever" he says and walks away.
Geez what was that all about? The bell then rings and I head to class.

Sarina and Cori wave me over to sit with them and so I do.
"So, tell us the goss" Sarina says.
"What goss?" I ask.
"You know what I'm talking about" she says looking at my shirt.
"What? It's just a shirt" I say, trying to avoid the conversation.
"Yeah, just a shirt. Just a guy's shirt. Just Alex's shirt" Cori smirks.
I give in, "ok, yes it is his."
"Were you over at his yesterday? Is that why you didn't come to school?"
"No I was sick and happened to go over to his house."
"And you slept there?"
"Sarina, I'm not..."
"You totally, you totally did."
I roll my eyes at my friends behaviour.
"You did not?" Cori questions.
"No, we didn't do anything... well. I kissed him again."
"You what?" Sarina yells and I have to quiet her down.
"Well did he kiss back?"
"I mean yes but no. His mum kind of interrupted but then he came back and like kissed me goodnight."
I could tell Sarina was going into fan girl mode.
"Just ask him out already" Cori says, "you clearly like each other."
"And maybe next time you're at his, get more action."
I elbow her to shut her up. The teacher then enters the room.
"We can continue this conversation later" I say and we start class.

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