Chapter 42: Making Up For Lost Time

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Hey so weird thing happened and half of this chapter was deleted so here's an updated version!

Exams, exams and even more exams. That's all these last two weeks have been filled with. Math questions, multiple choice and essays. Pages of torture that would rack your brain to the point of a headache. I look at the clock on the wall of my math classroom. Five more minutes. Five more minutes of torture. Five more minutes until a break. Five more minutes to get this done. I stare down at my booklet, staring at the same question I had been for the past ten minutes. I could not let my mortal enemy be the reason for my failure. The question looked so complicated but I knew the answer must be simple.  Three minutes left. Come on Kristine. I put pen to paper and start writing whatever I thought was right. Two minutes. Just one last question. One last question until I was done. One more minute. Divide this by the power and... the bell rings, signalling the end of the exam. DONE! A sigh of relief escapes me that I didn't even know I was holding in. Our teacher collects our books before dismissing us for break or home time for others. Walking to the cafeteria, I meet up with Cori and Serena.
"Is it just me or do your brains hurt after that exam?" Cori questions as we grab a tray and food from the selection provided.
"Please, I passed that with flying colours" Serena boasts.
"We get it Serena, you're a nerd gosh."
"I'm just happy I finished the last question at least. Who knows how I did though" I say and make my way to a table.
My eyes scan the hall for Alex, seeing if he had a break like my group but there was no sign of him.
I sighed and put my chin on my hand.
"No sight of him?" Serena asks knowingly
"Not a single sight. These past two weeks have been agony. I just want a hug from him" I pout.
"Oh come on, it can't be too bad can it? You guys text every night and plus today is the last day of exams before holidays! You'll have him all to yourself for two weeks" Cori states as he throws a chip in his mouth.
"Well when he's not practicing for all their gigs I will. You guys better show your faces at the shows. I'm not being a loner."
"You bet we will, we'll be there to try and push you on stage."
"Oh no, no, no."
"Oh yes we will, you're not stopping us" Serena smirks.
I roll my eyes. I highly doubted that the boys would let me sing at their shows, it was their spotlight, not mine. Besides, I wouldn't want to do that anyway, my singing days are done after the talent show that just went by.
Cori looks at his watch, "well we have ten minutes of break left, let's make the most of it before we hit our last exam."
We quickly eat our food, go over our notes before heading to our last exam for the semester.

It was like a god damn ambush, as kids ran through the halls, ecstatic about the last day of school for two weeks. You didn't dare stand in the middle of the hallway incase you got pushed to the ground so sticking by the lockers was the only way of survival until you got outside.
"Freedom!" Cori cries as soon as we get to the courtyard, "I feel like I've waited forever for this day!"
"You're not even graduating for another year Cori" Serena laughs, "calm your farm."
"And we out boys!"
I look back towards the doors and see the familiar faces of the boys. As soon as I see Alex, I could barely hold myself back. I run over to my boyfriend who opens his arms for a hug.
"Finally I can touch you after two weeks!"
Alex can only laugh as he kisses me.
"You miss me?"
"I'm not even going to deny it. Your mum is torture."
"Tell me about it."
"Save it for when we're out of school you two" Jack says.
"Let them have their moment" Rian says pushing Jack forward.
I grab Alex's hand as we start walking out of school.
"Surely you're staying at mine tonight. We have lots of lost time to make up for" Alex smirks and I blush.
"Like that wasn't already my plan."
"Easy there horny ass, just because you haven't seen my sister for two weeks."
"Hey first things first, we're hitting up Rian's for band rehearsal, Kristy grab your friends so you guys can get some catch up time too" Zack orders.
"Fine" I groan and call out to Cori and Serena who run over almost instantly.
"Fine after band practice you can stay at mine" Alex smirks, "happy Zack?"

Alex and I walk hand in hand down the street talking about our day, how we hated our exams and how much we had missed each other. The topic of our holiday also came up occasionally but we decided to wait for that discussion later. We arrive at Rian's and head down to the basement. As much to Rian's disliking, Mrs Dawson had celebration snacks at the ready for us to enjoy.
We all sit around on the provided seating areas down in the basement before our rehearsal.
"So you guys got any upcoming gigs?" Cori asks
"You bet, we have one this weekend actually on Sunday and then a few more scattered throughout. Just small little shows, nothing too big" Jack says.
"Which is why we need to practice as we haven't had our singer for the past two weeks" Rian states glaring at Alex.
"Blame my mum, you know I would've been here if I had the choice."
"Cut Alex some slack Rian, I'm sure all of your parents were against band rehearsal during exams" I defend my boyfriend, laying my head on his shoulder.
"Well don't get too comfortable fellas, we have practice to start" Zach says getting up and grabbing his bass from it's stand.
Alex groans before getting up and joining the guys, leaving myself and my friends to chill on the couch and watch them play.

After hours of rehearsal, we all parted our ways. We all definitely had a fair bit of catch up to do as we'd all become rusty after two weeks of no rehearsals. After we split from the rest of the group, Alex decided to play a game of tag, running after each other until we got to his house where he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder through the front door.
"Alex put me down" I laugh and he dumps me on the couch, falling on top of me in the process.
We were both a bundle of laughter, barely able to breathe.
"Alex what have I said about being noisy at night time" Isobel calls from the kitchen causing Alex to jump off of me.
"Sorry mum" he smiled sheepishly.
"I know you two are excited to be together again but there are still rules to follow. Dinner's on the table" she says walking back to the kitchen.
Alex pulls me up from the couch before we sit at the table and eat with his parents.
Once dinner was over and done with, Alex and I went up to his room to hang out. We laid on his bed kissing until I pushed Alex back who pouted.
"I wanna know what we're doing for holidays. I gotta have you for at least some of it" I say sitting on top of my boyfriend and he puts his hands on my thighs.
"Well of course you will. My plan is to have you almost everyday, as much as the boys will hate me for it" he smirks.
"I like the sound of that. You gotta tell me the exact days of your gigs as well so I can ensure to be at every single one of them."
"You know I will, I want you to be up front. Might even drag you on stage for a song even. I love singing with you."
"Alex it's your spotlight, I can't keep taking it."
"You're sharing it with me. You have talent and I want people to see it."
I grab his hand and rub my thumb over it.
"You're too kind."
"Also I had a cute idea for a date, it'd be an overnight style one if you're okay with that."
"I'm intrigued."
"Good I'll plan it more thoroughly then."
"Well tomorrow I'm taking you out to breakfast and it's my shout."
"Yeah? Where we going?"
"Somewhere with your favourite breakfast snack" I smile and tap his nose and his face widens instantly.
"I love you"
"I know you do."
"Oh so you wanna be like that do you?" He smirks before rolling over and sitting on top of me.
"Alex!" I giggle
He kisses me on the lips and I kiss back, matching his passion. He soon started trailing his kisses down my jawline to my neck and sucking and biting on my sweet spot, causing me to let out a moan. He laughs under his breath.
"God I've missed you."
"And I have missed you" I say before he crashes his lips back onto mine.

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