Chapter 39: Pre-Party Preparations

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Jack and I ended up staying over at Alex's for the night after the showcase, knowing our parents would probably beat us up if we went home. This became a huge benefit for Alex who had gotten permission to have a massive party at his that weekend, in other words tonight. Jack and I help Alex go shopping for food, drinks and whatever else we would need to keep the party going. A few hundred dollars later, we manage to get the stuff home with Peter's car that Alex was allowed to borrow.
"Hopefully this meeting with Hopeless goes well next week. We're going to need our music career to kick off to pay back all the money we just spent" Jack says, dumping his bags on the kitchen counter.
"I'll say, I felt the money leave my bank account" Alex says and grabs his phone that was vibrating in his pocket.
"Why is Serena calling my phone?"
"She must know I stayed over" I say and Alex rolls his eyes chucking me his phone.
"Of all people you chose to call, you picked Alex's phone" I say sitting on the table.
"It's not like I have Jack's number. Besides I didn't want to barge in because it's not your house" Serena defends.
"Don't tell me you're outside" I say and grab the bridge of my nose.
"With Cori. Did you really think you were getting ready for this party without us?"
"Ugh fine I'll let Alex know" I say and hang up, "Serena decided to welcome herself and Cori over early."
I pass Alex back his phone and he can only laugh.
"I think I know where you get the whole just turning up to my place thing now."
"Oh shut up" I say and jump off the table and go to the front door and let my friends in.
"We're using the spare bedroom!" I call out as the three of us go upstairs.
"Can you dump my shit in Alex's room then please?" Jack requests.
Cori, Serena and I head into the spare bedroom across from Alex's and close the door behind us after I move Jack's gear.
"You guys are so lucky Alex is nice" I say as I sit on the bed.
"Please, he adores us and besides, we're allowing him to spend time with Jack" Serena says.
"She just dragged me along" Cori says and he's punched in the arm, "ow."
"I wonder about you guys sometimes" I laugh, "so is there a reason we're getting ready super early? It's like three whole hours before the party even starts."
"Well I thought we could just talk, play a few games and" Serena starts before pulling out some shot glasses and a bottle of vodka from her bag, "get a few drinks in."
"How did you get that?" Cori asks
"Stole it from my dad, not too hard and besides, we better be making the most of tonight."
"Serena we shouldn't be drinking this early" I say
"Oh come on, just a few?"
I look at Cori who shakes his head.
"Just a few" I say and Serena smiles whilst Cori groans.
"Come on bro, you gotta live on the edge" Serena says shoving a shot glass into Cori's hand.
"Ugh fine, but just this once."
With that, Serena gives us a shot each and we take it at the same time.
"God that shit burns" I say and Cori has a coughing fit.
"You guys are such babies, that's easy" Serena says cockily.
As we talk, we have a few more shots across the next two hours, playing a game of never have I ever to get us tipsy or on the verge of being drunk.
"Alex and Jack are going to murder me" I say, my words slurring slightly.
"If they get mad over you drinking then they can fuck off" Cori slurs, "or you know, you can fuck Alex."
"Have you guys even had sex yet?" Serena asks me.
"No we haven't but I want to. He's just so hot. Like when he has his shirt off. Ugh why do I have such a perfect boyfriend and he ends up with a rat of a girlfriend."
"Excuse me Kristy but I don't know who you're talking about because you ain't no rat."
"But he's so gorgeous and what am I?"
"Beautiful, see this is why I'm your friend to show you that you are and to also help you pick clothes that will put Alex in the mood."
"What's that meant to mean?"
"You Kristine tonight will be entering the life of no longer being a virgin, even if I have to kick you and Alex in a room alone until you guys do finally have sex."
"But what if he doesn't want to? What if I get too drunk because I'm pretty gone now."
"We'll make sure you don't have much more to drink tonight so you both don't have an excuse, unless Alex has one too many" Cori says
"We just gotta make you look good and you need to be extremely close to him tonight, showing him all the signs that you want something to happen" Serena explains.
"How? Like I've done the flirting and what not before but how do I show him I want to go that far?"
"Touch him a lot, not just the hands or hugging him, touch him where you want the action to occur. Act seductive, whisper in his ear whenever you want to tell him something sexy, dance with him and no not just holding hands and spinning around, dance up against him, tease him as much as you can tonight."
"Why am I getting turned on at the idea of all of this?" I ponder.
"Because you want him bad, just show him physically that you do and a little bit more alcohol can help with that. It can sometimes bring out your deepest desires that have been trying to surface but you feel like you can't show that side of yourself."
"Tonight will be very interesting, if you pull this off, you'll never hear the end of it from us" Cori teases.
"Oh I know I won't."
"We should start getting ready, we have an hour before the party starts and I want us to look the best we can" Serena says going to her bag and pulling out clothes and makeup.
"Now originally I was going to wear the clothes I'm lending you for tonight but because we want to send a message to you know who, I want you to wear this and I'll wear the clothes you were originally going to have" Serena says passing me a black tank top and lime green skirt and black heels.
"Are you sure?"
"Of course, I'm just glad I have a best friend to share clothes with. It's like you're the sister I never had."
"Awww Serena I love you" I say hugging my best friend.
The three of us then start getting ready and Serena does my makeup as well. By the time the party was due to start and we could hear music from downstairs, we were done getting ready.

 By the time the party was due to start and we could hear music from downstairs, we were done getting ready

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"Are you ready to show off to your man?" Serena asks nudging me as I look at my reflection.
"Oh you know I am" I say and the three of us head downstairs.

As I walk down the stairs, I can hear Rian and Zach had arrived. Cori, Serena and I find the four boys sitting in the lounge room all dressed nicely for a party.
"Hey boys" I say and the three of us join them.
"Hey gang, damn who is she?" Rian says looking at me.
"Oh stop it Ri" I laugh and I look at Alex who's mouth was slightly open and his eyes scanned my body.
"Normally as your older brother I would say something but instead imma keep quiet" Jack says and hits Alex on the head with a pillow.
"What was that for?"
"You know what."
"Jack leave the horny boy alone" Zach teases which makes Alex blush madly.
I smirk and take this as my chance.
"Alex is my boyfriend, he can stare all he wants" I say and sit on Alex's lap and I can tell he's trying to hold himself together.
He gingerly places his hand on my thigh and I grab his hand to let him know I was okay with it. The doorbell then rings.
"I'll get it" Jack says obviously not wanting to stick around.
Once he leaves, Alex manages to get some words out.
"You look stunning."
"Thanks babe" I say and move his hand slightly higher up my leg which he bites his lip at, "you don't look too bad yourself."
Tonight was going to be fun with Alex already acting like this. I don't think I would need to do much else to bring us to the bedroom.

What do you guys think of ATL's new song? I honestly love it! Also, Jack noticed me on insta so I'm over the moon!

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