Chapter 9

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???'s POV


The four children sat up and looked at each other.

"Apple, where are we?"
"Well.. duh.."
"Shut up, Peanut."

The tallest one, the one that was called Apple, started to binker with the child with a peanut hair clip. While the kids with a pecan and a pumpkin hair clip, respectively, looked at each other. The one with the pecan hair clip sighed as the other child started to cry.

"Shut up, Pumpkin!"
"Respect your family, Peanut."
"I'm not going to respect a crybaby and an emotionless freak."
"They are your triplets."
"They are not! Never in a million years."
"Peanut.. Please shut up."

Pecan goes up to Peanut and slaps the child in the face.

"That is what happens to people that I don't know and who are also rude, 'stranger'."
"You do know me!"
"Do I really?"
Peanut looked confused and then the young girl looks at her crying triplet brother, Pumpkin. Her light brown eyes darkened.

"I don't care-"
"Who is the emotionless freak, now?"
"At least, I care for Pumpkin."
"He's a crybaby!"
"Who made him like that?"
"You bullied him for dying his hair orange, being sensitive, and also.."
"Also, what?"
"You were jealous that we knew who we are and you didn't."
"Why would I be?"
"You always thought that you should be a boy, but you never acted on it. You don't know if you like boys or girls. You almost never tell our parents or anyone the truth."
".... f*** you."
"F*** you too, Apple!"
"You are a disgrace to this family..."
Peanut backs away from the other children.

Peanut's POV

"You are a disgrace to this family..."

Their words.. I wish that they could take it back. The words echoed through my head. I backed away from them. I started to run away, holding back some tears.

I knew that was Pumpkin, but I kept running. Until, my ears started to ring and I fell to the ground. My breathing slowed down as I felt small vibrations coming towards me. The world went black.

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