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The three gems made there way through the tree infested dirt road. A road hidden from the world. Locked away from everyone, except the lucky few who were able to travel down it. Wildlife was an extremely common sight on this side of the countryside. As if this tiny area of the world had never been touched by humanity. It was quiet, peaceful even, the only sound coming from the crunching of the dirt surface they walked on. It wasn't a long walk from Beach City, but it wasn't short either.

"You know, I'm getting really sick of all this." Amethyst huffed, breaking the silence.

"Your sick of walking?" Pearl asked.

"No, well yes, but I'm talking about the constant fighting."

"Constant fighting? We haven't done anything in over a year."

"A year is short enough for me." She complained.

"Well that's part of being a Crystal Gem, we do the dirty work so others don't have to." Garnet explained.

"Yeah, I just wish we weren't always in a nonstop battle. Like, we don't even know who this guy is, other than he has the power to corrupt gems." Amethyst said.

"Anyone who has that power is more of a threat than all of our previous enemies combined."

"Plus Steven nearly died, and would have if he wasn't half gem. So think about all the people who aren't gems." Pearl added.

"Exactly why it's important we get them, and all the other gems to safety. If we're lucky we'll get there before nightfall." Garnet said. The gems went silent, focusing on their mission. They began moving at a slightly faster pace though, trying to beat the sun.

"Okay, but how do we know this is even a real threat. Like what Steven is just dreaming all this."

Dreaming amethyst? I suppose the corruption spreading through his body is just a dream too. Pearl shot.

"Hey don't get mad at me! All I'm saying is what if he's just imagining the guy, when he could have just picked up the corruption at Homeworld. Crazy stuff happens all the time there. Amethyst explained.

Amethyst that's absurd! Do you really think-"

"Enough! Both of you! Steven is our friend, and we have to trust his judgment. Garnet said.

"Fine, geez. Amethyst huffed.

Steven looked around at his surroundings, everything was pretty much pitch black. With the exception of what little sunshine they had seeping in through the tiny cracks and holes in the moss covered stone walls. "You see anything?" Steven asked, squinting his eyes trying to make out anything at all, as his voice echoed off the walls.

"Nope." Spinel said back. "I'm not even sure what were even looking for."

"Nothing really, I just thought exploring would be more fun than sitting around waiting for the gems to come back."

"I guess, but explorations are often better when you can see what your looking at. Spinel groaned.

"You wanna go back outside?"

"Steven, I don't even know where outside is."

"Just follow me."

"I don't even know where YOU are!"

"Just follow my voice." He began walking back to the entrance. The clicks of his steps, irradiating of the walls. "You know Spinel, we-" Steven was cut off, followed by a sudden scream, with a bunch of loud bangs coming from the floor.

"Steven! What happened!?" Spinel yelled out, jumping from the sound.

"I-I uh... I found the stairs."

A Hero's Call (Steven X Spinel)Where stories live. Discover now