Beach City Troubles Part 1

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"You know, as much as I enjoy your company. I'm afraid I have business to attend too." The corrupted figure spoke through the broken down helmet that he hid behind. "See here's the thing. I know about your friends, Peridot, Lapis, and that other one. What's her name? Bismuth? See if I let them go unaccounted for, they might do something they'll end up regretting, and none of us want that. So the way I see things, is just to stop them before it happens." He looked at the three gems, all being held down by a small group of gems wearing matching uniforms. They looked like an army, and they were. An army of gems that have had their minds wiped. They were all different shapes and sizes, but they did have something common. Their color, or lack of color. They were all pale, ghost of their former selves. Like the color had been stripped from them. The figure studied the gems, scanning them top to bottom. His eyes fell upon Pearl, eyeing her top to bottom. "Aw yes, the trustful pearl." He spoke softly, kneeling down to eye level. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "Pearl. Where are they? Don't even think about lying to me."

"I don't know." She said.

"Pearl, I just told you not to lie to me, and what did you just do."

"I'm not lying."

"Listen Pearl, I'm trying to be nice, but you are really testing me here. Listen you answer my questions truthfully, and I promise you that might consider letting you and friends live another day."

"I'm not lying! I haven't seen them since..." Pearl's voice trailed off, as she didn't want to reveal where she's been. As far as this man knew, Steven was dead, and she didn't want him to know otherwise.

"You haven't seen them since what? Since you left beach city? Yes, I'm aware of your recent absence, but the question is... where did you go," He got on one knee, making sure they were both eye to eye. "and why are you here now?"

"I-I came to find my friends." Pearl gulped, quickly thinking up that little lie.

"Okay, I see, but no one leaves for two days and comes back just to look for someone." He explained. "Unless something is happening. Is something happening Pearl?" Pearl's eyes darted across the room looking for anything that could aid her, but she could only fine nothing.

"I-I'm..." She stuttered, searching for another lie.

"Pearl if you really are looking for you friends, why are here, in the mayor's office. Why would they be here Pearl. Tell me."


"We're here to warn the mayor of you, and we were gonna look for our friends afterwards." Amethyst said, cutting Pearl off in an attempt to help her. The man looked at her, then at Pearl, then back at her.

"I see, so you don't know where their at? You don't know." He stood up, never breaking eye contact. "You don't know. Of course you fucking know!" He said more dominantly, as his anger began growing. With a quick motion he grabbed Pearl by the throat, with so much force applied it nearly caused the gem holding her to fall down. "I'm done playing this dumb, now is for action. Now tell me where THEY are!"

"I-I don't... I don't know." Pearl grasped at the hand that was blocking her from speaking. The man only stared at her, more anger growing in him. He let a loud grown, as he threw her to the ground.

"Stop!" Amethyst pleaded. "She doesn't know where they're at! None of us do!

"Alright, enough! I'm tired of these lies! He exclaimed, his hand never leaving Pearl's throat. "I have scouts everywhere, you Morons. You don't think I know what's going on? You took them with you, wherever you went, they went with you. So where are they!"

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