Beach City Troubles Part 2

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The Sun Glowed high above the sky, as the afternoon settled in. Summer was nearly over, and this was made obvious as the days shortened and the nights got colder. A bird flew overhead, past the beach and over a tree. As she, the bird, flew against the ocean winds, scanning each and every tree. The sun glistened off her beautiful brown feathers, while looking for a place to sing her afternoon song. She descended towards an old oak tree, it leaves slowly withering away as the years progressed. Which she landed on gracefully, perching herself on a long crooked branch. She bobbed back in forth out of curiosity, as she listened to the three gems stepping over overgrown roots from one of the many trees in this area.

"Nearly there, there should be a small clearing right up here." Steven pointed out. "We can try to get a good look at what we're getting ourselves into."

"Nothing good I can imagine." Spinel said. Ruby only stayed quiet, obviously still grieving the loss of her friend. She held the blue gem which belonged to Sapphire in her hands. Waiting patiently for her to return.

"Look I know it's not the smartest idea, but it's not like we have a lot of options." Steven stopped in his tracks. Knowing exactly what they were all thinking. Letting out a sigh, and turning to face Spinel. "Spinel... I don't know how this is gonna turn out, but I have to do this. If there's even a tiny chance that I can talk him down. Even if it's for a few hours, then I need to take it." He closed his eyes, as many thoughts raced through his mind at once. Another sigh escaping his lips. "We... We already lost Pearl. I... I can't lose anyone else. Not now, and not to him. Not only are there people in Beach City, there are families to. Families with children. If there is a chance to stop him, or even delay him even for a little bit. In order to get everyone out of there and safe. We have to take it, I have to take it."

"I know Steven, I really do. I just... I just want you to be safe too, you can't save the world if your're dead. You know that right?

"Yeah, I know."

"Good, so don't do anything stupid."

"So a-are you two... like... a thing now?" Ruby spoke up.

"O-Oh, I-" Steven began, forgetting ruby was there.

"I mean, Spinel kissed you earlier, so..."

"Oh... you saw that?" Spinel blushed.

"You did it right in front of me."

"I-I guess I did..."

Ruby looked at the two standing there, realizing the awkwardness in the air. "Y-You know what? Just forget I said anything." She said.

"No, it's alright Ruby." Steven reassured her. "I-I guess we are a thing now, right?" He said, looking at Spinel.

"Yeah, I-I guess we are." Spinel smiled, her hand joining Steven's. "Which is why I'm coming with you Steven. No matter how dangerous... or stupid it is."

"Thank you... I think." Steven smiled, giving off a small chuckle. "Come on, the clearing should be right through these trees." Steven said, the crunching of the fallen leaves, and abandoned twigs as they broke beneath his feet. The sun barely escaped the over-looming trees, creating a dark but magical environment. One ripped straight out of some fairy tale. As the three stepped out onto the small cliff. Only about a five foot drop, but a cliff nonetheless. It only held a small tree, nowhere as big as the others, but it was big enough to hide behind if necessary. The sun hit the three the second they stepped out, like a razor. The quickly shielded their faces while their eyes adjusted to the long forgotten sunlight. Steven walked up to the lone tree, letting go of Spinel's hand. He looked out at the once busy town, as a feeling of guilt took over him.

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