7 - A Magical Encounter

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The mixture of scents that lingered in the air overpowered all of the movements and the loud chatters that was going on around me. It was a strong combination of freshly baked bread and raw fish, sweet fruits and blossoms in full bloom, there was also the smell of mud - still wet from last night's drizzle - and a hint of freshly cut grass, pressed linen and burnt wood. It was impossible to trace the smell to just one source, though one thing was clear to me, it was everything a town market ought to smell like.

Taking place in the town square, I had almost failed to recognize the market's location when Arthur had brought me here earlier today with Daisy in tow as chaperone. It was only when I got a glimpse of the fountain that stood in the middle of the square, surrounded by so many people and activities, that I realized where I was.

It was unbelievable to imagine that 200 years later, the fountain, the town square, and nearly all the buildings that surrounded it, will still be standing. A particular corner stood out from the rest of the premises, and I noticed how familiar the building looked, before coming upon the realization that it must be where Mrs. Green's Tea Shop had been - or will be, in a few years.

Looking around, I noticed just how much Ashford had changed over the past two centuries. Surely change was bound to happen when so much time have passed, but beyond what I remember of the quiet, abandoned town square, and compared to the lively view that sprawled right in front of me, I realized that it was the very soul of Ashford have changed.

The time have changed, thus the people changed as well, and slowly, the population of Ashford dwindled to only the handful of us left, and even then, I could strongly recall almost all of my classmates who went away to pursue their studies - and how half of them had vowed to never return to Ashford.

Upon my melancholic contemplation on Ashford's existence - shall its population keeps on dwindling in the future - another scent caught my attention, though it was far from one that's native to a market scene. In fact, it was a scent that I seem to know at the back of my mind, because I found myself looking at the direction of which the scent came from and that was when a flash of red had caught my eye.

It was a miracle in itself that I was able to spot it in the first place - with all the people around me moving around vigorously - and even more so that I was able to follow it. I had only walked a few steps away when two different voices had called out.

"Miss Atwood?"


I turned my head to find both Arthur and Daisy looking at me with bewilderment - probably wondering what it was that had caused me to abruptly stood up and walked away.

"Arthur," I began, ignoring the appalled look people were throwing in my direction, "Can I meet you here later? There's something I really need to go see and I'm afraid now's not the time to explain any further."

"Of course-" He seemed flustered, and I didn't blame him. "-But please, let Daisy accompany you."

"I would like to go alone, if you don't mind," I told him quickly.

"Are you sure? It's quite dangerous."

"Otto will be with me the whole time, I assure you. Now I really have to go, I'm sorry..." I said, giving him an apologetic smile, though I didn't get to register his expression afterwards because by then I was already walking quickly towards the direction of the mysterious woman, hoping I didn't lost her. 

I wasn't even sure why I was following her, but I knew that I needed to, and just when I thought that I had lost her in the middle of my pursuit, I found myself in a small alleyway tucked behind the town square, looking up at a familiar building - with every inch of me simply telling me to go right in.

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