Chapter 24

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*Hannah's POV*

(A/N ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ This is kinda a summary of what's went on since the day Hannah became a hybrid)

It's been 5 years since the day I nearly died. Turns out I'm not a blood sucker, I actually have a normal food crave but I eat more than an average teenage girl. I have to eat about twice as much as I use to. We also found out I'm one of the fastest runners in our group.

When I went into training I did it with Luke since he hadn't went through it yet. He has just been learning things on his own. Our werewolf training was done by Liam and Jaxson to help out with the vampire part since none of the others knew much. After Jaxson and Aidan found me they guys began to trust Jaxson. The weird thing is after they found me his father went missing. Also turns out while I was in the craziness Cassy and Damon, Jaxson's older brother, have become even closer. We decided to tell her also about the whole werewolf and vampire thing so we weren't hiding anything from her. But they're not the only ones dating, Jaxson and me are together as well.

It's been about a month since I've seen Jaxson. Liam took me up to see Uncle Kasey, who is actually my father. Kasey taught me the same as what he taught my brothers. It surprised both Kasey and me that I caught on quicker than the boys.

While I've been out of the country I got my tips dyed and I got a tattoo with my brothers.

Today was my second day back since I left home. Jaxson texted me asking if I wanted to go on a date after I got settled back in. So tonight we decided to have our date. It's celebrating our 5 year anniversary.


"Sweety! Jaxson is here!" My mother yelled at me from downstairs. I took one last look in the mirror to checking my makeup before grabbing my phone off the bed. I walked down the stairs and when I got to the bottom I seen Jaxson standing there in a black long sleeve that happened to match mine. He had an amazed expression upon his face and his mouth was open.

I walked up to him smiling, "Might want to close that pretty boy. Wouldn't want to catch any flies." I said closing his mouth.

"You look beautiful!" Jaxson said smirking. He pulled out a single white roses from behind his back. We exchanged a hug and headed for the door. "You don't look to bad yourself!" I said giving him a wink.

"Bye Mom!" I said smiling as I turned around and waved to her. "Be careful, Love ya!" She said smiling back.

We headed out to Jaxson's truck hand 'n' hand. He opened the passenger door for me. "Awe, thank you!" I said smiling.

"Anything for my Angel!" He smiled.


We pulled into a drive that was just off to the side of the big bridge in our time. It was known as one of the biggest bridges in our state. It always reminded me of the Gateway Bridge mixed in with the Love Lock Bridge because of how it's built. It has the the build of the Gateway but lovers put lockets on the bridge in this one area just like the Love Lock bridge.

"Have you ever put a lock on a bridge before?" Jaxson asked as we walked hand 'n' hand onto the bridge.

"Nope, never have." I said looking to him. "Have you?"

"Nope." He said popping the P. "I guess it's the first for both of us."

We walked up to the spot where all the locks were placed. The sunset looked beautiful from here, how all the colors mixed together. I looked over to Jaxson who was pulling the lock and key out of his pocket. He grabbed a marker from his other pocket and handed it plus the lock to me.

"Do you want to write our names on it? You have a LOT better handwriting then me." He said smirking. I smiled back at him and took the two iteams. I wrote "Hannah & Jaxson".

"Don't forget to write Lockridge after my name then, Est. in 2014!" Jaxson said smiling.

"Why?" I asked confused. Why did he want me to write Est.?

That's when he took one knee. I covered my mouth in shock. I didn't expect this to happen. "Hannah, I hope to be the first and last person you go with to put a lock on this bridge. I know we've had our bad times but I'd rather spend them with you. The girl I love. Hannah, will you marry me?" He asked smiling up at me.

"Y-yes!" I said barely above a whisper. "Yes!" I said removing my hand from my mouth. Jaxson smile grew as he stood up and put the beautiful ring on my left hand. We shared a kiss then watched the sunset fade to night.

"Hey you wanna do something crazy to celebrate?" Jaxson asked smirking.

"How bad is this gonna turn out?" I asked.

"Well it's something that we could most likely die from if we were human... Which we aren't so it's completely safe for us."

"Okay... What's your idea?" I asked curious and a little excited.

"Follow me and you'll find out." He said taking my hand and we started walking toward the middle of the bridge. We walked in front of a pillar with a latter and Jaxson came to a stop. He looked around then pulled me behind it so no one could see us. Jaxson began to climb the latter cautiously, after he got so far up I followed. When we got to the top we followed the beams til we were fully in the center of the bridge.

"On the count of three we jump off into the water." Jaxson said grinning as I grabbed a hold of his hand. I didn't really know if I liked this idea but then again I'm no longer human so I wont die.

"Okay." I said smiling back.

"One..... Two..... THREE!" He counted. We leaped off the bridge and plunged into the water.

 All I know is that when I jumped off the bridge I believed I was indestructible.


Can't believe this is the end of "I Aint All Bad"! Thank you guys so much for reading this & if you haven't already you should go check out my other story. It's called "Everything Is Now What It Seems".

🎃🍁👻 Happy Halloween 👻🍁🎃

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