Chapter 16

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The truck was filled with complete silence until I turned on the radio. I searched the stations but didn't find any good music. So I leaned back in the seat and looked out the window until Jaxson broke the silence.

"You still don't believe me do you?" Jaxson asked. I looked at him to see his jaw clenched.

"Not really. How can I believe someone who seems to be on crack?."

"Tell me all the weird and crazy things that have happened since you were 10!"

"Hmmm let me see. I have kissed a guy who said he's a vampire. My family is supposedly werewolves and my uncle is supposedly my fat-" Jaxson cut me off by putting his hand on my knee and gripped it tightly.

"Stop being a smart a**." He said annoyed in anger.

I smirked as I thought back to memories from the past few years. "You know how people always ask if it's a full moon when everyone because hyper?" I looked at him and he nodded. "Well I somehow know exactly how far away full moons are. I can tell by the length of my nails. I have to cut them every week and on the second week I cut them it's always a full moon."

"That's not human like. Okay keep going." He said removing his hand from my knee and putting it on the wheel.

"Sometimes my vision is weird and one time when it was acting weird I looked in the mirror to see my eyes had changed from brown to green." I thought of other un-normal things wrong with me but could remember much more.

"Werewolves are known to have long nails and eye change. That would explain why that happens." Jaxson's jaw clenched again.

"Whatever." I mumbled.

Jaxson slammed on the breaks as he pulled over. He looked over to me with a hint of red glow in his eyes.

"What does it take for you to believe me. I'm risking my life right now just to help you understand ahead of time. There are hunters out there right now looking for you and me." He said between his teeth. "If it wasn't for me you could be dead. The night I brought you to my parents house I sensed the hunters near your area of town. I figured your brothers and Aidan could fend for themselves but you on the other hand still need protection. They have a group of 14 running around the county looking for our species. It only takes about three to take down the best of our kinds... But for someone like you. A hunter the age of 5 could take you down." His eyes slowly lost their red and turned back to their natural hazel. "I was drawn here by something and I didn't know why. Turns out.. that thing is you. I don't know what it is about you but it drives me insane. I'd die protecting you but I'd like it better if I died in your arms." We stared into each others eyes as I sat there speechless. Jaxson broke his eyes from mine as headlights showed up behind us. We both turned around to see them park behind us. Two shadows appeared in front of the lights and it look as they were holding something.

"Duck." Jaxson said as he switched over from park to drive. He floored the gas and we sped off. He turned the next left at a quick speed making the bed of the truck slide. The head lights went straight missing the turn we took. Jaxson floored the gas even more causing the dust to fly more. He took another left pulling in behind a car onto a paved road. I looked back to see no lights on the gravel road.

"Who... Who was that?" I asked shakily trying to calm down. Jaxson looked over at me as he slowed to the speed limit.



I left it with a little cliff hanger... :)

Jaxson seems to really be drawn to Hannah. Is Hannah Jaxson's mate or is there something else that made him drawn to her? Was it love? Was it a memory? Is it a trap? Is Jaxson Hannah's mate?

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