Chapter 2

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~ Hannah's POV ~

"I always seem to smile

And people ask me how

Well you're the reason why

I'm dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower" my phone starts ringing signaling I need to get up.

I slowly got out of bed and put my slippers on and walked out of my room. As I walked through Logan's doorway I turned on the light.

"Logan it's time to get up buddy." I said shaking his shoulders softly waking him from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes and slowly got out of bed. I helped him get dressed and then we went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. 

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked Logan as I sat him down in a chair at the table.

"Cereal!!" he cheered. I got out his favorite cereals, Reese's and Cheerios. I pour both into his batman bowl then added milk.

"Here you go." I said sitting his bowl down in front of him. I poured him a glass of orange juice then sat it in front of him before running upstairs.

"What should I wear?" I whispered to my self looking through my clothes. I grabbed out a maroon shirt  and some jeans. I turned on the shower as I stripped down then hopped into the shower.

After my shower and getting dressed I did my hair and makeup. I decided I better wake up Derek now.

"Derek get up." I said shaking his shoulders. 

"Leave me alone, I'm sleeping." he mumbled as he faced the other way. Well ok then I guess its the hard way. I walked into Logan's room and grabbed his megaphone then went back to Derek's room. I stood up on the bed and started jumping.

"Get up Derek! Time to get up!" I started yelling through the megaphone. He stat up with the most p*ssed off face. He just stared at me for a while then stood up.

"Okay I'm up now get out of my room so I can get ready." he said walking over to his closet. I jumped down off the bed and headed downstairs.

"Oh my gosh Batman turn around the Jokers behind you!" Logan screamed at the tv in the living room. I grabbed a Pop Tart out of the cabinet and leaned on the counter as I ate it.

"Why's Logan screaming?" Derek said as he walked into the kitchen and over to the fridge. 

"He's watching his cartoons again." I said smiling. I'm kinda the reason Logan's hooked on Batman. I was watching the "The Dark Knight" and he walked into the room and watched it with me. He's been in love with Batman sense then.

Derek finished his glass of juice and grabbed at pop tart as he headed out of the room. I threw all the dishes into the dish washer as Derek walked back in the room with his book bag and keys.

"Ready?" he asked jingling the keys.

"Yeah you can head out with Logan I need to go get my shoes." I said as I headed for the stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs the temperature felt cooler. I walked into my room and grabbed a jacket and my combat boots from the closet. As I jogged down the hall to the stairs out of the corner of my eye I seen something move in Derek's room. I turned back around and looked in his room. His window was open and the curtain was blowing in the breeze. I walked over to the window closing it then locking it.


"Gosh what took you so long?" Derek asked as I hopped in the truck.

"I was shutting you window you forgot to close. It was freezing up there." I said putting my seat belt on.

"What do you mean my window I didn't open it." he said as we pulled out of the garage.

"Well someone opened it. Windows don't just open themselves." I said.


I grabbed and bag as I headed out of last period. I walked down to the gym and out the back doors to were the concession stand is for games. Tonight I'd be working there helping out with drinks and food while baseballs going on.

"Hey Han!" someone said. I turned around to see Liam. Liam is one of those guys that was big stuff and popular well that was til something happened. He became distant with people. When you ask him what happened he'll get really quiet then he'll walk out of the room. Cassy and me are basically his only friends now. Everyone else just ignores him or try to get him to tell them what happens, like my Derek, his old best friend.

"Hey Liam! Are you working tonight?" I asked as I gave him a hug. I love getting hugs from him because he's always warm.

"Yeah, I hear that it's going to be just you and me working all night. So do you wanna gets drinks and food or handle the money? Also we can switch too." he said as we walked into the concession stand.

"Um, we can do the switch thing, I'll start off with food and drinks if you don't mind." I said opening up the window for costumers.

"Works for me." He said as he opened the second window.

The day went by pretty quick while we worked. We were just about to close down when a guy in a grey shirt walked over.

"Hey gorgeous, I was wondering if you could get me a Gatorade." he said with a smirk. He kept his eyes on me. He had a beautiful shade of hazel for eyes. 

"What kind?" I asked. 

"A blue with work." He said. He pulled out a dollars and sat it on the counter and slid it over. After he lifted up his hand I took the money and put it away. Liam came up behind me and handed the guy a Gatorade. 

"Here ya go." Liam said emotionless. His jaw tightened as the guy smirked even more at him.

"Thank you... Have a nice night." the guy said looking at Liam then to me. He winked at me then walked away.

"Are you okay Liam?" I asked him as I turned to him. I've never seen him like this besides when someone asks about his past.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You ready to close up?" he asked. I nodded my head and we closed the windows. After we put everything away the athletic director came in and took the money and let us go.

"Do you need a ride home? If you do I can give you a ride." he said as we walked away from the ball field.

"Sure, can we pick up Cassy on the way there? She's suppose to spend the night." I said as we walked to his car. He nodded his head and we got in.

I texted Cassy and told her that Liam and me were gonna pick her up. As we arrived Cassy was already on the porch sitting on the steps. When she seem Liam's car she stood up and walked over to the drive as we pulled in. 

"Who's ready to party!" she said hopping in the back seat. We all smiled and laughed a little as we pulled out of the drive and headed out of town to my house.


"Liam you can stay if you want. My parents wont care plus my brothers not here so he wont bother you." I said as he pulled up into our drive.

"I would love to but I have to go home because my aunt and uncle are coming over." he said. 

"Oh, that ok. I hope you have fun!" I said smiling. I leaned over and gave him a hug before I opened my door. Cassy and me walked up to the front door as Liam pulled out of the drive.

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