Chapter 15

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I woke up in a dark room where I couldn't see anything but a little light that was coming from the door in front of me. When I opened the door I realized I was in the closet where James and me hid. I looked around the bathroom but I didn't see Jaxson or James. I pulled my phone out of my pocket but it had no bars. I walked out of the bathroom and down the stairs we used to get up here. When I got to the hall James and me ran down I started to run for the door that led to the dance floor. When I got to the door it opened with ease and it revealed the same room but no people. I've never been in the stadium when it was this empty. It was cool but creepy at the same time. I walked out to the middle and stopped as I looked up realizing I'd never be able to preform in a stadium like this.

"Looks like the party left you behind."

I turned around to see Jaxson only a few steps away from me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked in a shaky voice as I took a step back.

"Actually I should be asking that question. I know your brother's have told you to stay away from me, so why do you keep coming around?" He asked smirking.

"I not the one showing up, you are." I said taking a step back again.

"I guess that's true but you never run off." He said taking a step closer every time I stepped back.

"That's because you hold me back and wont let me go." I said annoyed.

"Try harder." He said as my back hit the wall and a grin appeared on his face. "I'll give you 10 seconds to run." I didn't let any time tick by. I bolted for the door that lead outside but it was locked.

"...5...." Jaxson yelled. I ran for the hall I just came from but it was locked as well. There was no way out. I began tugging on the door rapidly but it wouldn't move.

"...10..." He yelled from across the room. When I turned around he was standing a yard away from me. "I never said I would play nice." He smirked his evil smirk.

"What do you want from me Jaxson! What... is... it? Why is following me around so important!?" I screamed. It only took him a blink of an eye to close the gap between us and then pinning me against the door.

"Maybe I'm out for blood." He whispered in my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to see him. "Or maybe..." His body left mine and I was no longer pinned to the door. When I opened my eyes I was in a grave yard. I looked around and seen Jaxson crouched down by a grave. I slowly walked closer to him til I was two graves from him.

"Maybe I'm trying to figure out if what I've heard was true." He stayed quiet for a little before he spoke again. "People overly judge you. They makeup these stories to make you look bad and so others turn their backs on you. I've had that happen numerous times over the years." He said standing up and looking at me. "Like when our house was burned down, people made up stories saying Damon and me burned the house trying to kill our family. How our father was lucky enough to make it out in time but really that's not true. People always believed my mother and father got along but those people know nothing. My parents would fight about every night when they'd get home from work. Damon, my sister and I always went up to one of our rooms and would just lay on the bed with the music loud enough to drowned out their screams. Nobody knows what went down the night of the fire." He said looking to me then the grave. I could tell who's grave it was so I slowly walked over to him leave a grave between us. The grave read, 'Olivia Lockridge... 1772-1807...' At the bottom of the grave stone there was a quote that said 'Who ran to help me when i fell and would some pretty story tell, or kiss the place to make it well? My Mother' I looked over to the one beside it and the girl had the same last name. 'Tracy Lockridge... 1791-1807....' Then the quote at the bottom said, 'Being sister and brother means being there for each other'.

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