Part 3 || I love you.

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Hyunjin's POV
We have arrived at the hospital and I talked to the nurse about what happened. She quickly told me to follow her to the room, I was still carrying Jiwoo bridal style, she was like a feather and needs to gain weight. We got to the room and I laid her down on the bed.
"So can you tell me what all the girls did to her?" The nurse said while having a pen, and a clipboard, most likely having a paper on it.
"Well, I wasn't there for the whole thing but all I saw was the girls kicking her stomach and pulling her hair." I said starting to tear up. I was honestly confused why I was starting to cry.
"Okay thank you, the doctor will be in here as soon as possible."
"Thank you ma'am"
"Your welcome" she said with a bow and walked out of the door.
I quickly turned over to Jiwoo.
"What are you doing to me, I wasn't supposed to fall for you."
"Hyunjin..." she said her voice was weak.
"Jiwoo, I think I love you.." I said, as i closed my eyes I heard something I'd never thought I would hear.
"Hyunjin, i love you."

Authors note: Sorry this chapter was short. My fingers are hurting
But we got 220words

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