Part 4 || Did you have to?

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"Calm down sir, whats the matter?"
"Okay sir, We will take care of her, what room?"
"Okay please go sit in the waiting room while we see whats wrong."
"Yes, doctor"
I slowly walk to the waiting room, the same words kept playing in my head.
"Hyunjin.. I love you"
Then she had to leave me. The love of my life, left me. I started bursting out in tears causing everyone to stare at me. I quickly text all of Jiwoo's friends and told them what happened, they said they'd be here to comfort me. That'll be the time I tell them that i like her. They'll freak out but its fine.
I go outside to get some fresh air, and calm down, but I can't, its hard when someone you love could possibly die. Just imagining never seeing her face again hurts me, i need her. I really do.
After a few minutes i had finally calmed down and went back inside, they should be here any minute now. The doctor then cane out.
"Mr. Hwang?"
"Yes sir?" I quickly say.
"I have bad news and good news, bad news is that miss. Choi is in a coma, and the good news is that the coma is short, she'll only be asleep for 2 weeks."
"Thank you doctor, am I allowed to go visit her?"
"Yes of course, I mean she is your girlfriend, right?"
"I- no.."
I slowly walk off, going to the room and i text everyone the room number. I sat in the room, I thought to myself how she's never been this quiet, we're usually fighting over something stupid. But now, that won't happen for another 2 weeks. I started to tear up again. I really can't stop crying, I love her too much.
Then the door bursted open with Yeji, Felix, and Youngjae.
"Is she ok?" They all asked basically at the same time
"She's going to be in a c-coma for 2 weeks" Then that tear finally dropped. I finally got the nerves to tell them that I like her.
"I like Jiwoo." I said.
"Hyunjin.. You like Jiwoo?" Yeji asked in confusion.
"I thought y'all hated each other." Youngjae added on.
And Felix just stood there, confused. "Guys let's just go, I don't feel good." We walked out the door, and i gave the doctors my number if anything were to happen. We decided to just stay over at Youngjae & Jiwoo's house.
"Felix.." I said to get his attention.
"Hm" he replied looking a little sad
"You like Jiwoo, don't you." I asked, the whole car was filled with awkward silence.
"Y-Yes.." he said, he started to play with his fingers due to his nervousness, thinking I would do something to him. I looked at him and said, "You're a handsome man, you have more of a chance than I do." He looked at me and shook his head. "She already rejected me.." I could see that he was starting to tear up, i I didn't know what to do, so I gave him a tissue so he could wipe his tears.
"At least you confessed." I said, trying to make him feel better. Which was a terrible attempt. All it did was make the car go silent again.
We arrived to their house, I got out of the car and walked in the house, when I walked in the first thing I remember was when I accidentally kissed Jiwoo, on that day i found out i liked her. I sat down on their couch and played on my phone for a while, trying to get her off my mind was hard, its like i lived off her or something. I've never liked anyone, she's my first love.


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