Part 5 || early.

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It's been 1 week, I start getting excited. I have been going to the hospital everyday to visit Jiwoo, I decided to skip school and visit her.
I checked in and went to room 314. When i got in there I sat down on the chair beside her bed, and let out all my feelings.

Jiwoo POV
I was awake, except my eyes were closed i here some dude telling me that he loves me, or something. The voice is kind of familiar to be honest. I tried to think of his name, but I couldn't. Then the doctor came in.
"Jiwoo- oh hi, Hyunjin!"
I then had a flashback.
"I love you.. Hyunjin"
My head started to hurt, you started whining in pain. The doctor quickly came to you.
"Are you ok?" She asked worried.
"Hyunjin..." I wanted him, I wanted Hyunjin. He came over to me and grabbed my hand.
"You're awake.." He said, as a big smile formed on his face.
"J-Jiwoo, I missed you." I saw a tear drip from his eye. He then hugged me.
"Hyunjin.." I said. I remembered him, he's the love of my life.
"I love you." I said, I hugged him back.  
"Call me baby" he said.

And thats how our story started. We hated each other but fell in love.

Call Me Baby || Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now