Part 29 (ЕND)

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I looked around the house. We were about to leave in a couple of days. I guessed Hanabi would want to get the flower so it wouldn't die here during the winter. I made a mental note of taking it with us. We wouldn't be travelling for long... tree days at most maybe. The town she chose was a little far away but I guess this was better. I would be even easier to hide.

Hanabi went to the town for food. I asked if she wanted some company but she said she needed some things and didn't want me around so I agreed. I guess she needed to have space and it was okay. I... knew...she would come back. It was kind of selfish of me to think this but I felt it. And it was bringing me a sense of comfort, knowing that she would come back to me, of her own free will. And...I also realized that I would come back to her. It took me a while but I realized that I really had feelings for her. Telling her was not an option... maybe not for now. But it became obvious to me how I felt. The morning when I was waking up next to her... I wanted to wake up like this for the rest of my life. It was something I never dreamed about.... But loved. The smell of her skin, the softness of her touch. I loved being next to her. I loved it when she was hugging my arm or tossing her leg around me to come even closer, despite feeling a little too hot sometimes, and despite the fact that her hair was almost always ending up all over my face, I loved sleeping next to her. Waking up next to her. Falling asleep next to her.

I heard the noise outside. At first, I thought it was Hanabi but in a few seconds I picked up that the steps were different. I sighed and grabbed my sword and waiter near the door. The doorknob twisted slowly and a second later the door opened. I was silent behind the door, waiting for the intruder. When the door opened I swung my sword but he was no longer there.

Such a pain... I was hoping for annoying thieve... easy to kill.

"You have some fast reflexes," I said and made a few steps outside. And there he was. I was staying face to face with the Shadow my beautiful Hanabi once loved. He has his katana in his hands ready for a fight...while I was feeling rather bored. All I could think about was how she would cry. And I hated the idea of making her cry...esspesually for killing the little shit. "Why don't you just leave? While you still have the chance to..." I suggested. But I already knew he wouldn't. I knew that killing me was his mission and from everything Hanabi had said I knew he was taking it seriously. Knew he was taking everything seriously.

"I will...after I kill you, traitor." I sighed. He moved pretty fast but his hits were way too accurate making it easier to dodge. But one thing was obvious. He would not just go... meaning I had to fight. If I leave he might stay here...and Hanabi would be back soon... he will see her... if I am not fast enough she might return to his dying body... and this will not be a pretty sight. She would cry... I already know it and I didn't want to see her cry... especially for him. I chuckled and got a better grip on my sword. My eyes looked around to make sure the little umbrella girl was nowhere to be found. She wasn't. I was not sensing her. He attacked again. His blade missed my neck but mine didn't miss his arm. I felt the blade cutting flesh and I could smell the blood. His left arm was kind of useless now. Maybe I could scare him enough to run juts by hurting him...and then we will just leave this place. Me and Hanabi. And never return again. "W-where you got that form?" I was confused for a second but then saw where his eyes went. One of Hanabi's ribbons was tied on the sword. "For luck" she said with a smile of her face. I felt furious just by the fact that he realized it was hers. I clenched my teeth but realize I should stay calm so I breathe in.

"Found it..." I lied. The next attack I didn't dodge. I couldn't. He was pissed. But this was just making the fight even better. He sounded really mad when he asked where. I smiled. "I think you already know the answer." He was trying to attack again and again and again. He was fast. I was spending most of the time looking at the way he was moving. To win I should be able to predict his movements. He was good meaning brute force might be useless. And I knew perfectly well that pissing him off would give me an advantage. But... I was not as calm as I wanted to be. I had to hurry I had to find a way to either hide all the evidence of killing him...or find a way to tell Hanabi... And he knew. He knew the little thingy on my sword was hers... what if she was wrong? What if she was just a blind and ignorant as he was...and he loved her. What if his relationship with the little umbrella girl was nothing real... What if she comes back early and sees us fighting? Will she ask me to spare his life? Will she ask him to spare mine? I was not ready to witness this...

I will kill you first - Hanazo (mlbb)Where stories live. Discover now