Chapter 29

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"Holy fuck that's so cool! You have purple eyes! They're so mystical and bad ass!"

"Not going to lie, I am very attracted to you right now, Hyungwon."

"I sure hope you'd be, as I'm your boyfriend."

Wonho gives him a playful shove before back-hugging him as he finished taking the last lens off. The older places soft kisses on the younger's neck while patiently waiting for him to finish.

"Wonnie, I'm going to explore your house." Minhyuk runs off, but not before Hyungwon tells him to be careful and not to break anything.

Once Hyungwon finishes getting his eyes back to normal, he turns around to face Wonho, who had him trapped in his arms.

"Hi," Wonho whispers with a smile on his face. Hyungwon giggles and greets him back. "Your eyes are beautiful, just like you."

"They're not too weird looking? I know it's something you're not used to." Wonho shakes his head immediately. "They make you look pretty hot actually. Kinda turned on by it."

Hyungwon slaps his chest playfully and Wonho laughs in response followed by a soft kiss to the younger's lips. It was a kiss full of love and Hyungwon has never been happier. He's already gotten to go home and now he has his lover along side him. This is his happy place.

The two break from the small kiss and decide to find Minhyuk. The curious boy was in Hyungwon's room looking at the contents all around the room. In his hand currently was a keychain in the shape of a gyroscope.

"My grandfather got that for me when I was I think eight years old. Cool, isn't it? It actually projects something like a hologram when you spin it fast enough." Minhyuk whips his head towards Hyungwon as if he told him the secret to life. He immediately tests this out, his first attempts at spinning it, failing.

"Here, let me show you." Hyungwon picks it up from the other's hand and begins to spin it in a way that all of the loops spin at once. This causes the object to start spinning continuously on its own and soon enough, like Hyungwon had said, a 3D projection hovered above it. It was a small boy running around with an older gentleman playing around with a ball. It was a memory.

"Is that-?" Minhyuk and Wonho both look towards Hyungwon who had a nostalgic smile etched onto his face. "That's my grandpa and I. We were at their house for the summer. He wanted me to be a sports star and taught me different sports. He would be so disappointed in me right now. I manage to trip over my own two feet by simply standing." The three erupt with laughter from the story.

The sound of the door in the front room opening, caused them to stop what they were doing. Hyungwon ceases the spinning and places the gyroscope back on the shelf before cautiously making his way out of the room. No one knew he was here so he was nervous to see the intruder.

"Boo!" The mysterious person jumps from around the corner of the hall, scaring Hyungwon in the process. "Oh my fuck, I could have died! Wait, what are you doing here?! How'd you know I was here?!" Hyungwon immediately embraces the unknown person in a tight hug. A certain white haired boy began to feel possessive over the fact that someone was hugging his boyfriend a little too long.

"Guys," Hyungwon says as he pulls back. "This is Jooheon. He is my best friend here. Honey, this is Minhyuk, my best friend on the other earth and Wonho, the love of my life." A sense of pride washes over the oldest boy as he hears that comment, but then he grows curious at the pet name Hyungwon gave the other.


"Oh, yeah, that's my nickname that everyone calls me. It's something that I prefer the people I like, to call me. You guys can call me that, too!"

"It's nice to meet you. Your eyes are incredible and very pretty. Wow." Minhyuk blushes as he realizes what he just said to the new boy in front of him.

Jooheon's eyes were a bright yellow that almost looked like a bright, iridescent gold color. They definitely fit his personality.

Jooheon blushes at this comment. "Oh, uh th-thank you. You're pretty, too. Wait no! I mean-" Hyungwon and Wonho burst out laughing at how flustered he had gotten. He was trying to hide his face in attempts to make the blush go away.

"You think I'm pretty? Oh, thank you! Except, I'm no where compared to you. You remind me of a prince," Minhyuk was eyeing the boy like he was the prettiest flower in a garden. His flirting was just flowing out of him like a water faucet.

Jooheon makes a squeak before turning back to Hyungwon. "Changkyun says he'll be over soon. I have to go do something. Um, I'll be back later. It was nice meeting you two." He quickly walks out, but not before hearing Minhyuk's last comment, "It was really nice meeting you, handsome prince!" This causes him to squeak again and run out the door faster.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my Minhyuk?" Hyungwon turns to the older, who had a bright smile on his face.

"I think I'm in love."

Wonho snorts at this. "Okay, lover boy. Whatever you say. You were hardcore flirting there. I might need to take some lessons from you."

The three laugh and make their way to the couches in the living room. When they plop down, a cloud of dust puffs up causing them to cough drastically for a moment.

"Damn, has this house been vacant this entire time?" Hyungwon nods at Minhyuk's question. It was only his mom and him for awhile, since his dad passed away when he was twelve, but then once the attack came, leaving his mom dead and him to flea, this house was a desolate and abandoned building.

"So, how many others are there? Out of your friends?"

"Well, out of my friend group, two more, but I know some others that I want to visit. I heard they survived, as well." A silence surrounded the three, before Hyungwon broke it.

"So, Minhyuk," he pauses for an unnecessary effect. "You and Jooheon?" He wiggles his eyebrows in a teasing manner at the older. Minhyuk makes an embarrassed giggle.

Wonho quickly adds, "You have to make a move! You guys would be adorable together. He seems to be interested in you."

"Maybe, I don't know. What if he's just shy around new people?"

While Minhyuk and Wonho went back and forth about the new love interest, Hyungwon stepped out of the conversation, as a throbbing pain in his head diverted his attention. The pain was back and this time having a deleterious effect on him. He decides it's just a small migraine and tries to ignore it, even though it felt like the inside of his head was screaming in pain at him.

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