Part 3 - Storytime

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My mind was almost numb, the only class that I shared with Laura was so boring. My brain was swimming between the information in that lecture and the desire to sleep. Laura and her boyfriend had already left me behind for coffee. I contemplated walking home from campus, though if Laura was going to take a small amount of time, what was the harm in waiting?

I sat down on a bench outside of the library, sending Laura a text. 'Hey, you and your boyfriend going to be a while?'

'Nah, just grabbing some coffee then he has another class. I'll take you home bro.'


I plugged my earphones into my phone and contemplated what I should listen to. There were plenty of interesting podcasts that I had followed noncommittally, but a new suggestion by the app stood out. Storytime. Where had I heard that podcast before? Was it a recommendation from Laura? With a shrug I clicked on the current episode, it was still live. From the titles it didn't seem to follow a specific order.

There was a mumble before, '...Welcome to newer listeners. I am the Host...' There was more inaudible mumbling.

'Marvin, walks out of the cafe with his girlfriend. He passes her his steaming cup of coffee as he searches in his pockets for her car keys. It is a short walk to the library, and then to the car park, but he cannot remember which pocket the keys are in...'

It was a little uncanny, Marvin was Laura's boyfriend and I am sure that they were going to the library to pick me up. But these short stories were made up, right?

'...They chat about small things as they walk together. Keys in hand, she is still holding his coffee cup as they walk. The weather, his class that afternoon, the taste of her coffee are all his preferred topics of conversation. The library is in his sights, but he doesn't want to leave his girlfriend just yet. They pass under their usual tree to say goodbye. Marvin watches as his girlfriend walks to the car, before walking in the direction of his class. He realises that he still has her car key and calls her name, running towards her. He tosses her the key and heads back on the path.

There is a sudden creak and thud on the path. A tree branch has fallen-'

The podcast was cut off by an incoming call. Laura.

'Laura? Hey.'

'Evan!' She was crying, 'Evan. A tree... it just...fell on him. I don't know... I-I don't know what to do!' Her sobbing got louder.

A tree fell on her boyfriend, just like in the story. Does that mean that it was true? 'Evan! Are you there!?'

'Yeah Laura. I'm here.' I tried to sound as calm as possible. 'Laura. Did you call emergency services? Campus Security?'

'I did both. B-But I had to talk to someone else too... They've just wheeled him onto a stretcher. They're not letting me see him. I-I'm scared Evan. They're telling me just to go home, take the next few days off... I just. I-I don't know.'

'Laura. Breathe. How close are you to the library? I'll meet you half-way. If you don't feel that you can drive, talk to campus security and we'll get the bus home.' I tried to reassure her. She took a couple deep breaths and said a quiet agreement before hanging up.

The podcast resumed.

'...the end of his story.'

It was the end of the podcast. I should never have listened to it. What if that caused everything to come to pass?

A text from an unknown number appeared on my screen as I ripped the headphones from my ears. And I had to read it outloud to be sure.

'Thankyou for Listening. Every story comes to pass, whether you hear it happen or not. Some suffer silently.'

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