Part 8 - The Visitor

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The room was also sleek and mostly modern, but still dimly lit. I sat down slowly on the edge of the bed. I wanted to sleep, but I didn't trust this house enough to do so.

I jolted upright as the door opened again. Instead of being the terrifying Dark, as the ringing in my ears wanted me to believe, it was the pink-moustached Wilford.

'I get it. You don't like this place. You don't trust us, but, you helped us out. Why would you do that?' His voice was still oddly accented, slightly slurred. He was standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. I couldn't get out if I wanted to.

'I don't know.' I replied, answering honestly. I just felt compelled to help, I thought, what else was I supposed to do?

You could have left. You didn't have to help. His voice echoed around the room and I looked carefully around, trying to work out where the echo was coming from. Other people would have just gone, BANG and disappeared. He hadn't opened his mouth. I jolted, mouth open in shock. He was in my head. Why was he in my head? He shrugged before turning to walk out the door.

'Goodnight.' He said, smiling as he closed the door with a soft click.

I settled back onto the bed, laying my head on the slightly dusty smelling pillow. I didn't dare get under the covers, but the bed was comfortable enough, so I slowly drifted off into sleep.

I woke up to light shining directly on my face. Sunlight.

There was someone standing nearby. As I rubbed my eyes and sat up, they squeaked before running out of the room.

Bleary-eyed I stumbled out of the room, phone in hand. I had no missed calls, none from my older sister, I was hoping she was okay. I'd ring her as soon as I was on my way home.

I stumbled as I walked into the kitchen, there were about five of them, and they all looked the same - yet so different.

The man, Dark, who had given me the ultimatum was sitting calmly at the bench, a strong smelling cup of coffee in his hand. The scary one, Wilford was making pancakes whilst the Host sat next to Dark. The other two, I didn't know and I didn't really want to at this point. They looked identical, same faces, shirts, everything.

The Host looked up in my direction, '...The Host wishes Evan a good morning and says politely that Dark wishes to talk to him later. The Host also thanks Wilford for a delicious breakfast and gets up from the chair...' His narrations grew quiet as he got up from the chair and walked down the hallway towards the stairs.

Dark nodded at Wilford, jerking out of his seat as I sat down in the only empty spot, next to him. He cracked his neck, sending the extremely identical two scurrying out of the room, before stomping off.

It was only Wilford and I. I was still sitting rigidly, staring at the full plate of pancakes that he had placed in front of me. The constant ringing in my ears was making me a little jumpy.

'So, Dark scares you huh?' Wilford chuckled, waggling his moustache. I nodded, taking the smallest bite of the pancake at the top of the stack.

'Yeah. He's shit scary. Like how do you guys live with him? Also when can I go home?' I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

'What did you say?' Wilford leaned forward, squinting.

'When can I go home?' I asked again.

'No, no no no no. Before that.' His voice was beginning to lose it's playful edge, even though the unusual way he pronounced things remained.

'How do you guys live with him? He's shit scary? One of those?' I questioned, shrinking back into my seat.

'Yeah, that,' he paused for a moment, before pulling a golden revolver from behind the counter. He didn't point it at me, but waved it around. I felt my heartbeat in my throat. 'Dark, identifies as They, Them. They are not a he! I don't call you a she, do I!? So why should you!? You better watch where you step, or I might just go shooty shooty bang bang. And it'll only be an accident the first time!' He laughed darkly, his voice sounding even more insane.

I trembled, mumbling an almost incoherent apology. I didn't mean to misgender them, it was an honest mistake. They just look so much like a he. I swallowed audibly, causing Wilford to pause in his tirade. He put the gun back.

'Now head on upstairs you scamp!' He smiled, the tone of his voice friendly again.

I nodded, getting up from the chair and knocking it over before running down the hallway.

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