Part 7 - The House

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I grasped tightly onto his arm as he gave me suggestions of street names to turn down. I expected him to lead me to the alleyway house where I had first seen him, instead he insisted we go a different direction.

Although Laura and I didn't live in the nicest area of town, it was certainly nicer than the looming apartments we passed. They petered out into shells of buildings, an abandoned looking train station a sitting duck in the darkness. Flickering street lights only spotlighted the cracks on the path and the swarms of bugs underneath them.

Soon even the buildings that sounded distantly alive with squatters, drifted into forest and darkness. After what felt like an eternity of avoiding tree branches and rose thorns on the side of the path, there was a glimmer of lights in the distance.

I hoped with every fibre of my being, that this was it. I didn't even have my wallet on me to catch a ride home.

'...the Host reassures Evan that this is the house up ahead and that after talking to his brothers, he should be welcome to stay. They walk up to the front together, Evan knocks on the door...' The Host claimed as we walked up the path and I indeed knocked on the door.

It was opened by the man that I had seen days ago, in this light his skin was grey and he almost seemed to flicker with blue and red. I felt a chill down my spine as a high pitched ringing filled my ears.

'Host? Wilford returned about an hour ago, of course you were left behind. Who is this!?' His voice dropped at the question. The ringing grew louder and I resisted the urge to cover my ears.

'I-I-uh, I'm Evan. I helped the Host get here, and now I'll be leaving...' I trailed off as the ringing grew louder.

'Leave!? No. You know about us, this place. Get used to it.' He claimed, stepping aside to allow the Host to pass. I hesitated at the door frame. I could only pray that I wouldn't be murdered.

The inside of the house was nothing like the outside. Unlike the crumbling and haunted look of the outside, the inside was well lit with white walls and a more modern interior than my own home. I sent a quick text Laura as the man - who still looked like he was flickering - closed the door behind me.

I was led into the kitchen, which was surprisingly well lit and modern. The man with the moustache was leaning against the counter, sipping a glass of what looked like alcohol.

'Heyy. It's you again! What are you doing here? Oh right, I left Hosty to get those guys,' he let out a childish giggle, 'it might have been an accident.' He downed what was left in the glass as I swallowed nervously.

I tried to focus on the Host's narration, but he was whispering quietly, I suppose so as to not disturb the others. Shifting from foot to foot, I tried to ignore the glare of the greyish man. Why did they all look alike!? Were they brothers? I didn't understand.

'Well,' the other man began, cracking his neck, 'I suppose that you'll want to be on your way tomorrow. But we know you. So keep that in mind when you choose to go.' His voice deepened to a growl and the ringing returned.

What the hell had I gotten into!? I nodded nervously before looking around. Sure my room was upstairs, but where the hell was I supposed to go?

The Host seemed to notice my uneasiness and began to narrate more about the house we were in alongside what each person was doing. '... Evan attempts to locate the stairs but cannot find them, whilst Dark,' I was confused, what kind of name was Dark? 'watches his every action. Down the hallway and to the left, the Jims are coming downstairs. Wilford smiles as Evan continues to look around in confusion, whilst stroking his moustache and savouring the taste of whisky...'

I nodded looking down the dark hallway and sighing in relief as I saw the end of the stairs. The greyish one, Dark, was still glaring at me.

'Uh, which room will I stay in?' I timidly questioned, playing with my fingers and looking down at the ground.

'I'll give you a choice.' He paused as I agreed reluctantly, 'There is a room on the third floor, next to my own, or a short holiday in the basement.'

I considered my options. There were clearly other people that I hadn't met in the enormous house. Perhaps it would be better to have a space of my own.

'I think I'll take the room, thankyou.' I tightly smiled, hoping and praying that it was the right choice. Dark nodded and told the Host to take me upstairs. With each step in the dark hallway, I had to take a deep breath to try and block out the constant ringing in my ears. Who the hell were these people?

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