Chapter Thirteen : Wedding Vibes

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Chapter Thirteen : Wedding Vibes

October 19th 2019

Prince André in cute display with Alice Christensen at royal wedding of Napoleon's ancestor

Prince André and Alice Christensen attended the wedding Prince Jean-Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte and his bride Countess Olympia von und zu Arco-Zinneberg in Paris on Saturday.

Jean-Christope is related to famous French dictator Napoleon, who was his great-great-great uncle. And Prince André of Denmark, was among the high society figures who jetted to Paris for the lavish wedding.

The wedding itself saw the Imperial House of France and the House of Hapsburg reunited after Napoleon himself married the archduchess of Austria.

Prince André was seen arriving before the wedding with his soon-to-be wife, Alice Christensen.

Jean-Christophe and Olympia met while she was taking a semester in Paris, while studying for her political science degree from Yale.

He proposed to her with an enormous 40-carat diamond taken from the crown of Napoleon III's wife Eugenie de Montijo - the last empress of France.

The precious ring worth £1million was stolen from inside a locked Mercedes in Paris earlier this year, but the thief was later caught and the ring returned.


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13 November 2019

13 November 2019

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