Chapter Two : Meeting His Family

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Chapter Two | Meeting His Family

March 2017

It's been a month since I arrived to Denmark and found out that André is a prince and now I'm living in the Christian VIII's Palace with André.

André told me that his family knew someone was staying with him but he wasn't going to introduce me just yet to them.

At first I thought how can you keep me away from your family for a month but apparently the palace had four different palaces. So, there was no way they would see me unless they came to the palace where André and I are staying.

But today, André came home and told me that I would be meeting his family.

"What? They want to have dinner with me?" I asked.

"They want to meet my girlfriend." André answered

"Girl...friend?" I asked.

"Yes, I told them that you are my girlfriend." He answered.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"Because you are my girlfriend." He replied.





"I'm Mary," Mary says as she reaches out to shake her hand.

"Hello, I'm Alice," Alice said as she reaches out and shakes her hand, then curtseys to her.

"Oh, no, please do not do that! You do not have to curtsey to me. Forget my status. I'm just André's aunt." Mary said with a smile.

"Oh...ok," Alice said as André watches her with a smile on his face. Frederik watched his nephew and Mary nudges him to introduce himself.

"Hello, Alice, I'm Frederik, I hope my nephew is treating you well," Frederik says with a smile.

"André is a great guy," Alice says.

"That he is. And from what I hear, you are a talented girl." Frederik said.

"Well thank you. I appreciate that." Alice said.

"I only tell the truth." Frederik said.

"I know you must be nervous meeting everyone. André, tells us that you had no idea he was really and I understand that one hundred percent. When I first met Fred, I did not know he was royalty." Mary said.

"Really?" Alice asked.

"Yes, I was shocked but I'm lucky he swept me off my feet." Mary answered.

"Hopefully, Alice and I get to experience that type of love." André said, causing Alice to blush.

"I think you guys will." Frederik said.

"Anyways, we wanted to meet you to get you relaxed to meet the rest of the family." Mary said.

After a few more minutes of talking, Alice was ready to meet the rest of the family. Mary had given her a pep talk and really calmed her nerves. They walk into the dining room to enjoy lunch with the rest of the family.

"Hello dear, you must be Alice. I'm Margrethe, André's grandmother. And please do not think about curtsying. We only do that if we are in public. Behind closed doors, we are a regular family." Margrethe said.

"Hello, Margrethe, Thank you for having me over and letting me live with André." Alice said.

Henrik walks up to Alice. "I'm Henrik, André's grandfather. We've heard quite a lot about you. You're definitely as beautiful as André described." Henrik said as he shakes her hand.

"Oh, Thank you." Alice said.

Joachim then comes up to introduced himself and introduce his wife, Marie.

Nikolai and Felix then appears. "I don't know if you remember me, but we spoke on Facetime a month ago." Nikolai said.

"Yes, I remember you, Nikolai." Alice said.

"Great, Congratulations on your Vogue Cover. You looked amazing on it." Nikolai said.

"Thank you, Nikolai." Alice said.

Alice turns to greet Felix. Felix just pulls her into a hug.

"It's nice to see you, again, Alice. And once again sorry for scaring you." Felix said.

"And once again, don't worry about it." Alice said.





"What do you want?" I asked André as he stood in front of my bedroom door.

"I'm taking you out for dinner." He answered.

"Really?" I asked, as he grabbed my arm and lead me down the stairs and out of the palace and into the car.

After what seemed like a long car ride and a slightly uncomfortable conversation. André had finally pulled into the restaurant. It was one of the nicest restaurants in town.

André parked the car and looked at me seriously.

"Tonight, we're announcing our relationship." André said.

"What do you mean?" Alice asked.

"I may have tipped off paparazzi that Prince André and a mystery girl are having dinner here." André replied.

"So, that's your way of announcing you're in a relationship." Alice said.

"Exactly." André said.





Prince André spotted holding hands with girlfriend Alice Christensen on date in Copenhagen

The loved-up pair have been 'inseparable' for past five months and first snaps of the couple hand-in-hand add fuel to friend's claims that they will be 'engaged by spring'

DOTING Prince André took girlfriend Alice Christensen by the hand this week as they walked down a busy Copenhagen street after a dinner date.

An onlooker said: "They tried to keep as low-key as possible and were sitting in a small snug area of the restaurant.

It is the first time the couple have been seen hand-in-hand in public — another sign that their blossoming romance is serious.

And sources say Alice has "virtually moved in" to André's home at Christian VIII's Palace with the couple "inseparable" for the past five weeks.

The friend added: "They've taken things to the next level. They're practically living together. She cooks for him, he pops out to the gym and they're just enjoying hanging out.

But the friend said the couple have since stepped things up and suggested they had even spoken of marriage.

They added: "I can see them engaged by spring. I know that sounds a bit crazily soon, but he's head over heels and they can't bear to be apart.

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