Chapter Eleven : First Dance

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Chapter Eleven ~ First Dance

Chapter Eleven ~ First Dance

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alicechristensen Date Night 🌹

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"Our first dance will be the waltz." André told Alice as they walked into the empty ballroom.

"The waltz, really?" Alice asked.

"Yes, The 'Brudevals', or bridal waltz, is a couple's first dance. It should be danced before midnight on the wedding day and guests stand in a circle and clap as the couple dance. As the music continues, guests move in closer and closer until the bride and groom are surrounded by their family and friends." André answered.

"When the couple is completely enclosed by the crowd, the men grab the groom, take off his shoes and cut off the top of his socks with a pair of scissors, while the women cut the bride's veil into pieces." André said.

"The tradition explains these happenings as the following:
cutting the bride's veil: this brings the bride happiness to her marriage, cutting the groom's socks: this will prevent him from cheating on his wife, because he won't dare take his shoes off in front of any other woman and show his ugly toes." André added.

"Now I'm not against traditions, I even think some are cute, but I do have a slight problem to follow some of them when I'm so against their meaning. But I'll do them anyways." Alice said.

"Don't worry we'll be having so much fun on our wedding for you to be worried about the traditions." André said as he turned on the music and we started dancing.

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"Is this the waltz?" Alice asked.

"No, I'm just warming you up." André said.

"Okay." Alice said.

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