t w o ; a n g e l s

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Raphael overlooked the newest of his creations, Gabriel at his side. Of course he was proud of his work, but he also knew that eventually that pride would pass, as it always did. Besides, pride was a sin. He promised himself he would not be punished for something simple like pride. No, he would not be punished by the almighty for anything.

Raphael was a loyal angel. He was loyal to God above anyone else- even his friends. Serving her would always be top priority. After all, she was the ultimate creator. Sure, he could create planets, galaxies, beautiful supernovas. But she? She created the whole universe. A world full of creatures like himself, all wandering the cloudy expanse that they called home. He couldn't imagine anywhere better. Each and every one of them, stuck in their own world, missing out on anything and everything which was happening outside of there.

Well, they would be, if anything was going on.

Of course, the angels were all individual beings. Even after being created by the almighty, they weren't anything like a 'hive mind'. Yes, they somewhat resembled a colony - although colonies didn't exist that early on - but they all had their own minds, their own thoughts, their own feelings and their own actions. God had created them in that way for a reason, though she didn't disclose it to anyone. Her plans were ineffable; only she needed to know of her intent.

Take Raphael, for example:
Flowing redhead in white robes, body filled with celestial power, mind filled with pure thoughts. A perfect example of an angel.
And beside him, Gabriel:
A smaller angel, with the same style of clothing, yet grey-haired with soft purple irises. Mind racing with admiration, celestial harmonies ringing in his young ears. Another perfect example - but weaker. Less powerful than others, yet still a perfect image.

Raphael's gaze left the swirling dust in the black expanse which surrounded them and settled on the face of his brother. Gabriel's face was practically sparkling with awe in what the taller had just created. He tore his gaze away as well; sparkling eyes meeting Raphael's in mere seconds.

"Oh, Raphael! It's amazing, all of it! You're so good at this, no wonder the almighty favours you over so many of us!"

A soft chuckle left the redhead's lips as he spoke, his voice soft and gentle, "Be careful of what you say, Gabriel. And don't look up to me too much, or you'll find it much more difficult to enjoy your own work."

"But- but yours is just so beautiful! Everything you've created has been! I like what I make, but theyre nothing compared to your creations!"
Gabriel's voice was higher than Raphael's, it was very easy to tell who was younger. There was a much smaller air of maturity surrounding him than there was the taller.

Raphael's smile lingered as he shook his head.
"Time, Gabe. In time, you will be better. Perhaps the best of us all. You just have to practise, and you will improve."

Gabriel let out a groan, but nodded along to his words. He wasnt jealous of Raphael's talent- just impatient. Most angels had the ability to do what Raphael did, it just took some time to develop. Gabriel was an archangel, and so would definitely be able to create like the almighty intended, it would just take him some time. Time that he didn't want to wait to pass.

But, time goes on, and all events must be waited for - patience or impatience didnt matter.

"If you so badly want to be good, how about you keep trying? Here, brother, I can help you..."

Gabriel nodded at Raphael's words once again, looking back out into the empty space around them. He closed his eyes, allowing Raphael to guide him completely. The elder gave instructions, and he followed each and every one with precision and care.

After all, what reason would he have not to trust his brother?

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