Chapter 12

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Chapter this moment

Home can be nothing more than four walls and a roof. For that matter home can be where you rest your head under the night sky. Family defined as people love. Not by blood but by those you choose to let in. Happiness a state of your mental stability. Fleeting and sometimes mysteriously hard to find. Everything is relative and dependant on each other. Time slipping by in brief unnoticeable moments.

In this moment in time I was truly happy. Basking in rays of sunlight and floating on a cloud. Over the moon and finding my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. A spring in my step and a song in my words. All the cheesy one liners I so mockingly laughed at before seemed to ring crystal clear in full colour. I for once was in my glory.

It was in my glory that I coasted along day after day. I was a changed woman from once where I was. That would be why when on a run earlier this morning I grabbed the lingerie. Something I never would have ever worn in my life prior. Laying it down on my bed it was defiantly skimpy and naughty. Thin shoulder strap with barley enough black lacy material to cover my private parts.

Trying it on I looked in the mirror. It fit perfect. Slipping on the thigh highs I attached the garter belts. Unable to control my wicked smile I crawled into bed and waited for Rick. He was doing the final check of the perimeter with Daryl.

Nervous and exited I nearly jumped out of my skin when he finally stepped through the curtain. "Stop there," I sounded so much more confident than I felt."Close your eyes I have a surprise for you."

Hesitating for a moment I creeped out of bed and grabbed the scarf from my night side table. Blindfolding Rick I tied it tightly. "What are you up to?"
Taking him by the hand I lead him to the chair and directed him to sit down. Pulling his hands around behind the back of the chair I tied them up. "Never you mind." I giggled feeling exhilarated.

Walking back to the front of him I placed my hands on his legs to brace myself and leaned forward as if I was going to kiss him. Except I stopped a hair breath from our lips touching. "We are going to play by my rules tonight."

Kissing him feather light our lips barley graced each other. Slowly...sensually I glided my lips across his check pausing at his ear. Teasingly I nipped his earlobe. "Do you agree?" My voice was so husky.

I was rewarded when Rick moaned in agreement. I teased him running my hands across his chest and through his thick curly hair. My lips grazing his lips without fully touching. Gliding my tongue I traced along his lip. In frustration Rick tried to lean forward and capture a kiss. Pulling back I continued to taunt him until I could no longer take it myself. Leaning in I kissed him demanding to deepen the kiss. Taking my time I explored and coaxed his tongue to my will.

I felt wanton and powerful. Desired and in control riding on a high. Walking behind him I undid the blindfold. Allowing my hands to slowly slide down and around his chest as I pressed soft kisses along the column of his neck. Slowly I stepped out in front of him anticipating his reaction.

Ricks eyes slowly roamed my body. Through desire hooded eyes he drank in my half naked naughty appearance. "Oh my god." Rick moaned.

Thrilled by his response I gracefully moved towards him. Taking the time to make sure my body brushed against him as I slowly walked around the chair before I stopped and straddled him. I couldn't help but smile at the huge bulge in his pants.

"Your making me crazy." The deep gravel sound of his voice sent chills up and down my spine.

I knew he was trying to untie his hands. Smiling I took his face in my hand forcing him to look at me. "My rules tonight," my voice breathy.

Rick stilled and looked at me as I undid the buttons on his shirt. It was nerve racking.... exiting.... empowering to watch the desire flickering in his baby blue eyes. To know that I had the power to evoke such naked emotion from him was a huge turn on. Sliding slowly off his lap I dropped my head as I teasing and nibbling my way down the muscled plains of his chest and lower.

Ricks breath became deep and ragged as I undid his gun belt and his pants. Running my hands down the thick length of him Rick let out a deep guttural moaned. I paused looking up at Rick. His face etched with desire and need. Licking my lips I smiled greedily before I slowly took him in my mouth.

"Jenna please," Rick was nearly panting. "Untie my hands...please baby."

I couldn't take anymore myself. I needed to feel his hands on my body. No more teasing it was time for satisfaction. I had barley started to untie the knot when Rick pulled his hands free. Before I could blink Rick was up off the chair and lifted me into arms.
Crushing me onto the bed he now took control.

Forceful and demanding Ricks hands roamed my body. Taking what he wanted without apology he spread my legs burying himself deep. Bringing me to the brink of ecstasy our passion was primal. Climbing higher and higher grasping for release. I had to bite my lips to stop my cry of pleasure as my orgasm tore through my body. Rippling wave after rippling wave Rick push me further. Clawing into his back I was shaking when my second orgasm slammed through me.

Completely spent and drained I wrapped my arms around Rick loving the feeling of his weight on me. "That was...... incredible." Rick moaned his face next to mine. Giving me several kisses Rick rolled onto his back pulling me with him. I laid my head against his chest listening to his racing heart.

Trailing his fingers up and down my back Rick sighed. Tucking other hand under my chin he raised my head so I was looking at him. "I love you. You know that right?" His hand drifted from my back into my hair. Rick looked deep into my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered back. Cuddling against him wrapped in the loving safety of his arms I tried to fight off sleep. I didn't want to loose this moment. I wasn't ready for it to become a memory yet. For in this moment I was blissfully happy.

A blissful happy ignorance that would remain with me for several weeks to come. I guess I couldn't have really seen it coming. None the less when the shots rang out shattering the silence my moment was coming to an end.

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