Chapter 3

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Jim woke a while later and was more than comfortable.  Yes he was hot but there was a warm bundle in his arms and as he pulled her closer he wrapped his arm around her tighter.  It took a bit of time to realize he was feeling fur and not skin and as he did he was lightly stroking her belly and was enjoying the feel.  Suddenly he realized what he was feeling and froze.

Sorrel sort of wiggled when he pulled her close and started stroking her fur.  If she had been a neko she would have been purring for all she was worth.  He was strong for a human and she could feel his slight arousal pressed against her bottom and wanted more.  There was something to him that was drawing Sorrel to him.  “Don’t stop Jim that feels really good.  If you want I will break out my brush and let you groom me.”

He froze since his hand was close to her pelvic bone and that was not something he was ready for.  “Um, sorry not used to being in bed with someone else though if you want me to brush your back I can do that.”  Jim yawned and rolled away from her and sat up.  “Where is the bathroom?  I need to take care of business.”  Since he wasn’t looking at her he didn’t notice she was barely dressed.  He should have noticed but he still wasn’t all there.

She sat up and stretched.  “I have a feeling that might not be right for you now.”  She stood up and pulled a shirt out and pulled it on.  It hung down to her mid thighs and when she turned around it was rather obvious she wasn’t in any sort of bra or breast band.  “I will show you and it isn’t too far.”  Her father was the chief, due to that they were close to the privacy tents but not to close.  “After that we can get you more food.”

Jim was sure she was correct.  It was wrong but he was mostly definitely drawn to her and wanted to, well, bang the crap out of her.  He wasn’t celibate in any way and even if she was furred he was feeling drawn to her.  “Thank goodness or I might be in trouble.”  He stood and pulled on the pants and shirt he had been wearing and ignored the fact that she was only half dressed by his standard. 

She led him out of her tent and over to the privacy tents since she needed them as well.  Sorrel pointed him towards one as she took another and pulled the light screen over the opening.  It was only a few minutes later when she was done and came out to find him there.

“Thanks, that feels much better.  Not into being helped to the bathroom that is.”  Damn it he blushed again and almost growled at her.   “So can we get more food?  I am not sure why I am so bloody hungry, but I am.”  He could eat a damn horse if they would let him and knew what a horse was.

Sorrel laughed.  “I had noticed and it is about dinner time so we can go and get something to eat.  We tend to eat communally.”  She led them to an open area and lifted her nose and inhaled.  “They did a good job this evening.”  There were all kinds of veggies, meat, drinks and such.  “I am sure you will find what you want to eat and yes there is meat.  I will help you Yim”

Jim grinned at her and then looked at her.  “Shouldn’t you get more cloths on?  We are going to be in public.”  The shirt was white and showed her body quite well though he was trying to ignore it.  “Meat good, fire good, women good…”  He pretended to be a caveman and grinned at her.  “Something from my world and just humor, I do like veggies and fruits as well as meats.”

She looked at him but didn’t say anything more till they reached the food and let him go and grabbed a wooden tray and started piling food on it.  “Most humans like these items.”  She started pointing out some of the meat, veggies, and fruit.  There was some bread as well that was sliced thick.

Jim piled some food on the plate as she suggested some and was surprised when she added more.  “You need the food and protein to finish healing.”  She gave him and odd look. “I am dressed or does it bother you?”  She turned and looked at him and stretched and it framed her body quite well.  The shirt was designed for her and had a split for her but the tail of the loincloth was hanging down.  All of her shirts were split in the back to account for her tail.  “You are so silly Jim and make me want to giggle.” 

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