Chapter 4

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The next morning Jim awoke feeling nice and warm and it took a few moments to realize that he now had a furry blanket curled around him.  The next thing he noticed was that he was rather hot and sweaty and needed the bathroom.  “Um, Sorrel I really need to use the privacy tents.”  He stroked her back and got a sort of grumble.  When she didn’t wake he settled for a good smack on the bottom.  “Woman move or I am going to make a mess in here and I don’t think you want that.”

She was waking up slowly till he whacked her on the bottom and she stiffened.  Sorrel growled at him but she needed to use it as well.  “A bath sounds good as well.  Last night was quite active wouldn’t you say?”  She rolled on her back and stretched.  Since she didn’t have any cloths on it was a rather impressive view for him.

Jim couldn’t resist running his hand up her side and stroking the side of her breast.  “Yes last night was a lovely night and yes I think a bath would be in order after the privacy tents.”  He rolled out of the bed and pulled on some of the loose pants and grabbed the bucket with the cleaning items he had been given.  He was feeling a damn sight better now than he had been when he had arrived.  His right arm was still aching but not as bad as the day before.

She stood and pulled on a long loose shirt and grabbed her bucket as well.  The two of them headed towards the privacy tents and took care of business.  Once they were done they headed towards the baths and both of them were getting greetings called to them.  She was used to it since her father was the chief of the clan, but she had to wonder what he was thinking about it.  Sorrel did notice a few contemplative looks from a number of females and figured that was due to last night.  She hadn’t been quiet in any way and figured it would get around.  Normally when someone was that loud it indicated that they had a very pleasant evening.

He wasn’t really sure why all those people were calling greetings to the two of them but he went with it.  Jim sort of guessed it was due to how he had arrived and the state he was in.  Beyond that he wasn’t sure and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know.  When they walked into the public baths he now knew what to do.  He stripped down and tossed his cloths in a hamper and grabbed the bucket and started towards the cool pool and froze when any number of both males and females turned and gave him appraising looks.  “Um what is going on Sorrel?”

Sorrel snickered.  “They are wondering exactly what you did to make me chitter at the top of my lungs last night.  It isn’t any secret that you were in my tent last night and obviously there was some sex going on and presumably you were involved.”  She stripped down as well and tossed her cloths towards the hampers as well and walked down in the water.  Sorrel was sure Jim could see her nipples harden as to her body reacted the water.

Jim blushed slightly and sighed.  “You are entirely to open about that stuff in this world.  Then again I guess in tents it is sort of hard to keep things quiet.”  He flashed his eyes towards her.  “Especially when you are a screamer…”  He stepped in as well and noticed her reaction to the cool water and smirked.  “Maybe later baby I can always make you scream…”  That was a very quiet murmur in her ear.  Jim moved away and started working on getting clean.  He had always preferred a shower in the evening in humid climates but here he preferred a bath twice a day if possible to stay scent free.

She lowered her ears in her version of a blush.  Just for good measure she whacked at him as he was getting in though making sure it wouldn’t hurt him if she did contact him.  “Oh you, you are horrible.”  Sorrel settled in the water and shivered slightly before starting to work some shampoo into her hair.  “So what do you want to do today?”  She asked him.

He sighed.  “I really don’t know.  Maybe wander around and see what all there is and maybe find something I can do for the time being.”  He really hated feeling like a welfare refugee by having everything given to him.  Once he was clean he moved over to the other spring and settled down to soak for a few moments.  He didn’t want to stay in too long and would hit the cold pool before actually drying off.  It did feel good to be clean and relatively scent free in the morning.  Now if they had arm pit stick it would be better.

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