Speed, I Am Speed.

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Sheryl Crow - Real Gone

Well, here I come, and I'm so not scared

Got my pedal to the metal, got my hands in the air

Look out, you take your blinders off

Everybody's looking for a way to get real gone

Real gone

Lloyd struggled to keep himself steady while doing a handstand, the ninja and Wu balancing on top of the young to-be green saviour. Meanwhile, nearby, in the corner of the room, you observed, keeping an eye on the boy while Jay nervously did the same.

You built a Jenga tower piece by piece, bringing your attention back to it as you gulped, unable to handle the sight of the wobbling tower.

Lloyd used his feet to balance both the ninja and Wu, with Zane being on top of his feet and holding Kai and Jay in his arms while Cole somehow stood on the nindroid's head. Understandably, the ninja were all nervous, fearing they would fall, thanks to their foe gravity.

Slipping a wooden brick from the tower, you carefully placed it on top. Though it didn't matter in the end when it began to precariously wobble as the ninja's tower did.

Machinery could be heard nearby before a wrecking ball crashed through, toppling the ninja tower over.

The Jenga tower stood still momentarily before it collapsed into a pile of wooden bricks. You almost thought you could hear the little girl's cries from when The Great Devourer attacked, although a simple shake of your head cleared your mind if only temporarily, the fright from the sudden occurrence melting away steadily.

Morro had been quiet since yesterday, but there was no wondering why that was the case. Stuck in your head, he had been left to remain with your thoughts, especially with what B.K. did. How would you feel if you were stuck in someone's mind and forced to experience what they experienced?

'I can hear you. You know that, right?' Morro grumbled bitterly.

At your side, Remo blinked awake, squinting when he saw something sharp and translucent embedded in your leg. He wondered how you hadn't noticed it yet, slithering closer to get a better look. Carefully, he utilised his small fangs to remove the shard of glass and toss it aside for someone else to worry about.

You smoothed down the little snake's scales, earning a happy puff of air from him as he stared up at you, proud of himself and happy you weren't seriously hurt.

''What was that?'' Cole questioned, approaching the smashed window. The others got up, spotting a builder and a foreman, both wearing hardhats who then noticed the group.

Dareth emerged from behind the beaded doorway, rushing towards the two with hard hats. ''WHOA, WHOA, WHOA! This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!''

''Tomorrow?'' The foreman inquired. ''Let me see that order.'' The builder handed over the order slip to let the foreman check over it. ''Oh, yeah. My bad. Sorry 'bout that. We'll be back in the morning.'' The two then left, leaving behind the massive hole in the wall.

Dareth groaned in despair, picking up one of his fake trophies, a part of which was bent sideways.

''Uh, Dareth, what is this all about?'' Cole asked in confusion.

''Well, I fell behind on some of my payments and some developer named "Darnagom Enterprises" is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee-golf course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone.'' Dareth closed his eyes, turning his head towards the ground.

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