Purity, Virtue & Innocence

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ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Message To Bears - You Are A Memory


◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►►⠀⠀ ⠀ 0:00 / 3:37 ⠀ ───○ 🔊⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙ ❐ ⊏⊐

I was calling, for the last time 

We'd been here before 

They found pictures in the snow 

I could tell your eyes, looked beneath the blue


''Someone call an ambulance!'' Jay shouted, sitting beside the motionless girl. He looked over at Cole and Nya, who were hugging each other.

Soon, the familiar sirens were heard and an ambulance swerved around the corner, coming to a stop and making snow hit the Earth Ninja and Samurai Girl. 

They loaded the girl into the ambulance van, with Jay and the others watching. The doors closed, blocking their view of (Y/n) before the ambulance sped away.

Jay looked over at the two who were still hugging. What really angered the Lightning Ninja was that Kai wasn't doing anything to stop Cole from being near his sister.

Turning away from the two, he made his way away from them, to get away from all the sadness, loss and anger that swirled around his conflicted mind.


Loss was something all the ninja experienced. Cole, his mother, Zane, his father, Jay, a friend who like a brother, but most importantly of all, the Titanium Ninja that had saved Ninjago from the Overlord, sacrificing himself in the process, while (Y/n) watched, unable to do anything.

Everything went in slow motion as (Y/n) watched, tears blurring her vision as she looked up at the doctor.

''He's gone?"

The doctor grievously nodded, holding up a photo of the nindroid. (Y/n) turned her head away, not wanting to see his happy smile and bright intelligent eyes which could light up a dark room better than Kai's fire.

The rest of the week passed by in a blur, with the ninja attending Zane's funeral while the Orange Ninja was stuck in the hospital, sometimes some of the ninja would visit, bringing ''Get Well'' cards and chocolate to eat.

Looking outside her hospital room window, she saw tiny snowflakes drift slowly past the window, a clear reminder that he was gone.

Once she got out of the hospital, she realised she barely had enough money to pay the bill, only just being able to give the perfect amount.

Sighing as she looked up, the sun shining through the dark and stormy clouds, she clenched her fist and glared back at the sun, almost getting blinded in the process.

The dark and stormy clouds once again covered the spherical Giver of Light, turning the once sunlit streets to dark and gloomy once more.

(Y/n) then made her way downtown, passing tv screens presented in a window. People crowded around it, and she turned to see someone on the stage, singing her song. 

The person looked exactly like her, with a wheelchair and singing to the crowd that stood in front of her. She knew it wasn't her because (Y/n) was no longer in the wheelchair, though she was grateful for it as it made navigation with her broken bones easier.

Sighing once again, she made her way to the pet shelter, only to find something had happened.

There was graffiti on the brick walls, mocking the shelter and covering the windows. The doors were boarded up, and there was a sign that hung from the door.

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