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Anne lay across her bed, trying to ignore the ache in her chest. She would forever be the whore, the one who broke up a marriage, the one who betrayed her queen. No one ever cared to learn her side of the story, no one ever seemed to remember that she had been engaged to another Henry, Henry Percy to be exact. 

She hadn't even wanted to come to England, but the war had forced her to. 

No, no one would remember how he had been sent away from court when it was found out, how her own father basically had guilted her into accepting the king Henry's proposal. Had she been petty about it? Yes. Had she really wanted to apologize to Catherine of Aragon at multiple points? Also Yes. 

Anne could remember how she enjoyed passing free time with Aragon, how they had gotten along pretty well in those days. And she had given up everything to be closer to the crown, and for what?

She remembered how it felt to find out that her own family had been involved in her trial and execution. 

Her uncle had announced it without even a hint of remorse. 

Everyone had thought she had deserved it and maybe she did.

The more her mind wandered, the more the scar around her neck started to burn and the harder it was for her to keep the tears at bay. 

Why couldn't things have been different? Why did everyone just have to use me as some kind of pawn or scapegoat? Why didn't I deserve to be happy? What did I do to deserve everything that happened? She wondered, not bothering to wipe away the tears that now was spilling over. After all, who would see?

.         .             .            .            .        .      _______★_______

Katherine was lost in her own thoughts, her mind repeating everything from earlier that evening. Why did everyone leave her? Was it something she did? Was there something wrong with her? How long until the other queens grew tired of her?

The thought hurt worse than it should, after all, she hadn't known the queens aside from Anna for long but outside of the arguments that had became heated, they had been nothing but nice to her. 

Anne had been kind enough to give her the necklace to hide the scar, had stayed up with her late in the night after the nightmares had triggered her mind in reliving those painful memories.

Parr and Anna had been the two that had found her after her reincarnation, having been patient even though she was freaking out.

Aragon kept her distance for the most part, but that was more to do with avoiding Anne than anything.

And Jane had been patient outside of those arguments that had happened in the theater, even when Katherine had gotten freaked out over the most mundane things. 

But she couldn't help but think that all of this was an act, that something would come up and she would be brushed to the side, forgotten. She really didn't want to be alone again but if she was destined to be on her own, she would be the one to make the first move.

After all, it wouldn't hurt so much if she knew what she had done to deserve it, right?

.   .         .             .             .         .            ._______★_______

"Why is the house quiet for once?" Jane asked as soon as she got home, finding Parr sitting in the living room writing something while Anna was half paying attention to the tv.

"Catherine A is out for a jog after whatever the hell it was happened between her and Boleyn and Katherine with a K is being moody and locked herself in her room." Anna retorted, earning a groan from Jane.

"Of course things go to hell for the house to be quiet."  

She retorted before sighing and adding "Has anyone figured out what we're going to do for the performance? Aragon was supposed to come up with something." 

Anna just pointed toward Parr 

"She's working on it."

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