families and the lack there of

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Anne had adopted the motto "the most happy" when she became queen. However it was now, sitting in a crowded living room, watching her daughter and Aragon's arguing over a movie and surrounded by the mostly friendly chatter of her housemates that she truly felt happy.

She had managed to repair her friendship with Catherine, she had her daughter back, and she had grown close to her cousin—who in all honesty fit into the same category as Maggie and was basically like a younger sister.

Jane and Katherine was trying to show Edward how to play some kind of board game while Anna and Aragon conversed.

"Space station to Boleyn, do you copy?" 

The sudden voice of parr broke Anne from her thoughts, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin.

"Shit, sorry. I must have gotten zone out there for a second. Did Mae finally stop fighting sleep?" Anne chuckled, turning toward the writer who grinned.

"Mae? What is up with you and nicknames?" 

She questioned, earning a shrug.

"Well if someone shouts Mary there would be two different people wondering what the hell they did. Heaven knows we're complicated enough with three Catherine's." Anne retorted, earning a chuckle.

"Which is why it caught on when you started calling Howard Kitty and Kat and calling Me Cathy. At least we can assume Catherine means Aragon." 

Parr retorted before adding 

"Everything seems too good to be true, doesn't it?"

Anne nodded, glancing over at Elizabeth who was laughing at whatever Mary had said about one of the actors.

"I'm just glad we all got a chance at having a family ...even if it isn't the one we planned on having back then."


Katherine was happy for everyone, however she couldn't help but feel like she didn't belong even further as she sat at the table that evening at dinner. Everyone had something or someone from their past that meant the most to them.

Anne had Lizzie, Aragon had Mary, Anna even had her prized hound back.

But what did she have? What did she ever have in the past that she would want to return to this world?


Not really, anyway. She missed her mum like crazy some days—even five hundred years later—but would her mum actually see her for who she is besides as some stupid girl who slept around? 

Would her mother believe that it hadn't been her choice, or be like her step-grandma and just send her away because it ruined her virtue? 

She would be willing to try if she could, just to be able to feel what it was like for someone to just be there, no strings attached. Someone to be there if suddenly she needed someone to lean on.

Someone who wouldn't judge.

But she could never have that, she knew.

It was hard and even slightly dangerous to even try to bring someone back, according to Bessie anyway. So that left her with nothing more than wishful thinking and a familiar ache in her chest.

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