to get answers

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Katherine hadn't expected to ever have a good relationship with Mary, let alone find herself actually to the point where Mary would want to hang out with her, of all people. Yet, here they were watching as Anne and Elizabeth chased each other around the rink making light conversation between themselves.

"You know. I don't think I've ever apologized to you for treating you like i did back then. I mean. you didn't deserve it." Mary caught her off guard by suddenly saying, although Katherine just shrugged it off.

"Yeah, well...I wouldn't have been too thrilled with someone half my age trying to demand me to respect them either. I kinda was a bitch sometimes back then, wasn't I?" Katherine retorted, earning a chuckle.

"You weren't a bitch. Bossy? Maybe, but a bitch? No. Honestly, you were like a fish out of water and I could have made it a bit easier by trying to at least be friendly so I'm sorry...It couldn't have been easy for you." 

Katherine was even further surprised when Mary put an arm around her shoulders, something she hadn't ever expected the more aloof girl to ever do, even if Mary did invite her out to meet people in her own age group a lot.

"I forgave you a long time ago, Mary. I'm just glad that we can all just exist this time around without worrying about ulterior motives." 

Even as she said this, she felt like she was being a hypocrite.

"It's kinda weird still...Seeing My Mum and Anne able to coexist again without fighting, having a whole group of strong, independent people to talk to if I need to. I mean, even Bessie gives good advice and honestly, if I don't feel like I can talk to my Mum or Cathy, I go to her." 

Katherine nodded at that, Anne's reminder from earlier replying in her mind.

"Yeah, I know that feeling. I mean I never really had this level of support before and I can talk to any one of them if I really need to….even if it is hard sometimes. I don't want  to need anyone's help or pity, you know?" 

"I don't think it's pity you get from any of them, Kat. They really do care. We all do."


Katherine wasn't surprised when she came home only to be met by Mae and Edward.

"Kat! Lizzie! Look what Ed taught me!" 

Mae exclaimed, showing them a half-recognizable drawing of some kind of animal in glitter ink.

"That's really good, Mae!" Katherine exclaimed, despite still being awkward around the three-year-old, especially since she hadn't had much experience with small children.

Edward however chuckled and retorted 

"Tell that to Mum, she basically banished us from the kitchen because Mae got ink on the counter. We used your desk, Mary. Hope that's okay." 

Mary just shrugged at that, smiling slightly as she ruffled the boy's hair.

"Pretty sure my desk can take it, especially since Lizzie spilled a bottle of India Ink on it last week while trying to follow one of those calligraphy how-to videos. Besides, push comes to shove, I can repair my desk." 


Later that night Jane watched as Edward and Katherine played some kind of video game that she didn't quite get the point of, although they both seemed to hate whatever the lime green things were. Although, truthfully, her mind was more focused on the conversation that she had with Anne via text earlier.

Was it possible that Anne could be right? That Katherine really felt as though just because their kids were now in the picture, that it made their love toward her conditional? Besides, even more, alarming was the whole idea that Kat could have imprinted on one of them in an attempt to fill the gap that her own lacking childhood had left. 

Was that why Kat had been so scared of her touch the last time she came into her room? Why she had bolted as soon as she could? It would have made so much sense and Jane felt like an idiot for not seeing it sooner and worried that she may have indirectly hurt the teen by not noticing.

But should she bring it up? What if it did more damage than not? Especially since Katherine had isolated herself for the last few weeks.

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