Love, is it possible?

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Aragon sighed as she grabbed Anne by the arm, pulling her back away from the stairs—and away from Katherine who had practically fled for the room at the first chance.

"Anne, it's just a stupid jacket. The poor girl was terrified to come home and while I may have lost my cool, I think she's worried about everyone's general reactions and you probably just proved her right." Aragon commented as both Anna and Jane followed the youngest queen up the stairs, the former casting Anne a dirty look.

"It's not like was the only reason! I…" 

Aragon actually covered her mouth to shut her up.

"I know, but she's been through a lot…Take it easy on her, Yeah? It's okay to be upset at her but like...don't fly off the handle. We don't know what's going on in that head of hers."

Anne responded to all of this by licking the other woman, making Aragon pulled her hand away and slap her on the shoulder.

"Hey, you're the one who covered my mouth!"

"And you're disgusting."

.       .        .         .         .        .    _____________★______________

Katherine was shaking as Jane pulled her into a hug, trying not to just all out break down from the few she had felt when Anne had backed her into a corner, screaming at her. She could feel Anna running her hands through her hair. 

But could they really care so much? What if Anne was the one who hated her?

Aragon had been so angry but yet, hadn't yelled all that much or had made a move to hurt her even if she was angry. She hadn't ever thought of Aragon as capable of being anything but stern but yet, it was Anne who had felt the most threatening and Aragon that had tried to comfort her.

"She hates me." 

The words came tumbling out of her mouth before she could stop them. Pulling away but allowing Anna to put an arm around her shoulders.

"No, She doesn't. Anne just has a temper." Anna responded "I mean, give heard her and Aragon going it." 

Katherine felt stupid for crying. She had wanted to make them mad, wanted to give them a reason to leave instead of just leaving her to wonder what she had done wrong but after getting basically lectured by everyone, she couldn't help it.

Especially not now that two of the people were sitting with her, the anger basically forgotten after Anne's practical rampage.

"But what if she does?" 

"She doesn't. Honestly Anne was worried about you, I think she just doesn't know how to put that into words." Jane replied before sighing "She just has always had that temper, love." 


The word sent a chill down her spine, however there was something nice about the way that it sounded coming from someone who obviously wasn't wanting her for her body. That much, they had made obvious to her early on.

However, the term also caused her heart to want to break. After all, Anne had sworn she loved her but yet Anne had been the one who was so quick to lay hands on her. 

It was just a shove but still.

"Don't say things you don't mean." 

She whispered, thinking back to all the times before people had sworn to love her.

"Mean what?" 

She could hear the confusion in Jane's voice,however it was Anna who spoke 

"Kitty, we do love you. Just because you made a dumb choice earlier Doesn't mean people hate you. Hell, you're one of the sweetest people I've ever met." 

Katherine felt the tears burn against her eyes even more then because no one had ever said such a thing outside of the men who wanted her for her body.


She cursed herself for the hope that was blooming in her chest. Could these people actually care so much? Could they really love someone like her? Could Anne really had just been angry and hadn't meant what she did or said?

"Hey, would I lie to you?" 

"Of course!"

Anna and Jane both retorted at the same time. 

Maybe this time really will be different...if I can get Anne to forgive me.

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