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Myah POV

Natalie is crying on our way home from Tom's and the cafe because of how cute he is and how much she missed him. I can't help but laugh because it has been the whole 20 minute drive of her trying to stop crying. I turn into the driveway and roll down the window to punch in the gate code.

"He is just so amazing." Natalie says again.

I giggle, "for all that he has to deal with just for basic needs I'm so amazed with him running an entire farm."

"It's so cool I just wish that I had that kind of motivation and positive outlook." Natalie says to me wiping her eyes again.

I nod knowing exactly what she means. I park the Tahoe by the garage next to their rental SUV. We get out of the car and head to the back to get all the produce from Tom's. I'm carrying a box and Natalie has two bags of cucumbers.

"I got the door." She says as I back up with the box before she slams the back shut.

We head inside and I can hear everyone in the kitchen and dining room. Walking in I set the box on the counter next to the sink and see everyone eating brunch/breakfast that is laid out on the counter.

"How was work sweetie?" Mom asks drying her hand from washing something in the sink before coming to give me a hug and kiss.

"Good, Tom gave you extra lettuce because of Natalie." I say making mom laugh.

"I made sandwiches for you all for the boat today." She says handing me a plate knowing that I have not ate anything but coffee today.

I get some fruit and a piece of zucchini bread with another cup of coffee and head to the table. Everyone is sitting in the same spots basically so I sit down next to David as Todd is telling Rex about some crazy girls they have met on tour.

"How was Tom?" David asks quietly behind all the commotion going on around us.

"Good, Natalie cried the entire way home because she missed him." We both laugh and he pauses the camera as the story ends.

"How was work?" Jason asks me including David and I in the conversation.

"Fantastic, I had an hour of sleep." I laugh.

"Your gonna fall asleep on the pontoon boat aren't you?" Corah asks.

"99% chance that will happen." I point my fork at her.

"I am pushing you off this time." Rex says with an evil look in his eyes.

"If you do I will hold you under the water. I am still stronger than you little man." I warn him making everyone laugh.

Mom walks over and points at me, "do not kill each other, I cannot deal with more injured children."

"No promises." I point back at her making everyone laugh.

"Can we all be ready in like ten minutes?" Corah asks.

"Dude, fuck, I just got home."

"How long is it gonna take to put on a swimsuit?" Corah laughs at me.

I flip her off and shove a piece of watermelon in my mouth.

"Be outside in ten minutes." Corah says to everyone but looks at me knowing I'll probably take longer.

Everyone gets up and is chatting taking their plates to the kitchen. Mom comes over and puts another scoop of fruit on my plate and sits down with me as everyone hurries to get ready.

"The coolers are on the pontoon. Fruit, veggies and sandwiches in one and sodas beer and water in another. Snacks are stocked under the one bench and towels and sunscreen under the other one." Mom tells me wiping off the table with a rag.

"Should I check the gas?" I ask her since she took the boats out with her girlfriends last.

"Yeah, the credit card is in with the registration if you need to fill up." She pushes hair behind my ear before taking the bowl of fruit back into the kitchen.

I take my plate to put in the dishwasher. Mom is humming to herself as she is making more cookies and I can tell she is happy to have her fourth 'kid' under the house.

"What time should we be back for dinner?" I ask her.

"Brats, chicken, corn, potatoes 6:30?" Mom says like a question.

"Perfect, we will be there." I say as Rex runs down from upstairs.

"Dude get ready!" He shouts at me running the sliding glass doors to the backyard.

I roll my eyes following him down to the boat house.

"Can you get the tube for the speed boat hooked up? And the covers off both of the boats?" I shout to him as he runs around the side down to the boardwalk in front of the garage.

"Yup!" He yells opening the garage door under the boat house where we store all the floats, canoes, kayaks and other things.

I run up to my room to get changed quickly. My phone starts ringing in my pocket.

"Hello?" I answer the FaceTime from Natalie.

"Are you wearing a one piece or a two piece?" She asks me.

"Um one piece cause we are tubing and stuff." I say digging through my drawer of swimsuits.

"I'm wearing black barbie." Natalie tells me.

"Cute! I'll wear pink Barbie." I say grabbing the hot pink suit out of my drawer.

"Okay see you in a minute." She hangs up the phone.

I toss my phone on my bed and quickly pull off my shirt and sports bra. I finish getting my swimsuit on before that happens again. Swiping sunscreen on my cheeks and arms grab a towel and sunglasses before heading down to the boats.

"Myah! Hurry up!" Jason screams from across the lawn as they all are walking over.

"Y'all need to hurry up!" I shout back to him.

Corah docked the speed boat at the end of the dock to set up for tubing. Rex is in the pontoon on the side of the dock blasting the top hits chart. I throw my bottle of sunscreen at him and he barely catches it before it would have went in the water.

"Did you check the gas?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Corah is pissy today she was mad cause I'm playing music and not her and she is driving the speed boat." He complains to me.

I roll my eyes getting sick of her attitude, "she just got dumped, give it a couple more days." I tell him.

"Who got dumped?" Zane loudly whispers getting on the boat.

"Corah, her boyfriend broke up with her cause they are going to different colleges in the fall." I loudly whisper back.

"I can hear you guys!" Corah shouts flipping me off.

I return the gesture and stick out my tongue, "stop being a sour puss!"

She just rolls her eyes at me and gets off the boat.

"Okay everyone can fit on the pontoon but if you want to go tubing right away you should go on the speed boat." I say throwing my towel over the captain's chair.

"Do I really have to drive the speed boat?" Corah asks walking down the dock.

"I will drive for tubing." I say rolling my eyes.

"I wanna go first." Zane says.

"I'll get the life jackets!" Rex shouts and runs up the dock.

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