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Jason Todd and David are all on the boat with me. It's took awhile to get Zane on the tube since he wouldn't go in the water or jump from the dock onto the tube in the water. Zane is on the tube on the dock ready to go.

"You got your camera on?" I ask David.

"Yeah why?" He turns to video me.

"This could go one of two ways." I say and put the boat into drive.

We start slow and David is at the back videoing. I crank up the speed and we take off the rope gets straightened fast and the tube is ripped out from under Zane and he hits the dock and falls in the water. The guys all scream and crack up laughing extremely hard.

"Oh my god!" David laughs  as I slow the boat to turn around.

I start laughing and stop the boat and lean on the steering wheel laughing really hard.

"I told him to hold on." I can barely talk as we hear everyone on the dock dying of laughter as well.

"Zane you okay?" David calls out to him as he climbs up the ladder back on to the dock.

He holds up a thumb and starts taking off the life jacket.

"I didn't think that would actually happen." I giggle steering back to the dock.

"He hit the dock hard and the fell in." Jason says trying not to laugh but fails.

"I can't believe that just happened." David says as we pull up to the dock.

Jason throws the rope to Rex who is still laughing as he ties the boat up. I get off the  boat trying not to laugh but I look at Zane and start giggling again.

"I'm so sorry." I laugh and hug him feeling only slightly bad because I told him this could happen.

"You were right I should been on the tube in the water." Zane says with a chuckle.

"Wanna try that way?" I ask with a worried smile knowing it might not go so well.

He shakes his head, "I think I have a concussion I hit my head on the dock, so probably not."

"Don't worry you aren't the first concussion or the last to happen on this dock. That why Myah is so dumb." Rex says making everyone laugh.

"Wow thanks." I laugh and slap his cheek lightly.

"Does someone else want to go?" I ask.

"I do!" Heath says jumping up and down.

Rex hands him the life jacket and we all start back to the boat.

"Who else wants to tube at some point?" I ask.

David, Todd, Mariah, Natalie and Rex all put up their hands.

"Nat and Rex would you wait and we can switch boats over by pebble beach?" I ask since they know where that is.

"Yeah that sounds good." Natalie says.

Corah heads to the pontoon with the rest of the group and I take the guys and Mariah  to the speed boat.

"Let me pull the raft in so you can jump onto it from the dock. It's way easier than having to pull yourself up on it." I say grabbing the rope to the tube in a bit.

"I got upper body strength, I could do it." Heath says  making everyone laugh.

"With the life jacket, being a full grown adult and how the tube tips when your pulling yourself up, it's a lot harder than you think." I say as the tube hits the back of the boat.

I pull it around and get it so Heath can jump on from the dock easily. We get on the boat and Heath jumps on.

"Have you guys ever been tubing?" I ask them as I untie the boat from the dock.

"Baby I'm from Florida yeah I have." Heath yells from the tube making me laugh.

"I have not." Mariah says.

"Same." Todd point at Mariah. 

"I have when I was like nine." David says with his camera following me as I go to the captain's chair.

"Good imma whip you bitch." I say to David making everyone howl in laughter.

"Great I'm gonna die." David laughs as I turn on the boat.

I slowly drive away from the dock and the rope goes tight pulling Heath slowly behind us.

"You ready?" I shout to him standing up. He nods with a thumbs up and I crank up the speed taking off.

Everyone is dying of laughter and watching Heath who is doing very well at not falling off from the first jerk.

"Let me get out a bit further and we can go faster." I shout to them as we pass the pontoon who has been driving along slowly for a couple minutes already.

I look back and Heath is up on his knees with one hand up. Jerking the wheel I change our direction and he starts going over the waves from the boat and grabs on with both hands.

"Should I go faster?" I ask Mariah who is sitting right across from me.

"Only if you don't for me!" She laughs.

I nod and push the lever up the highest it goes before turning in another circle changing the side of the boat Heath was on.

"He's loving this!" Todd laughs from the back bench watching him with David filming.

"Make him fall off! Do like a figure eight or something!" David shouts to me.

"He just got on I'll give it like two minutes before I drown him." I say making Todd and David  laugh and Mariah look at me in fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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