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"Good morning!" Great! Another misfortune...

"Good morning too! Heh" I greeted him with a big fake smile of mine.

"Don't smile if it's not real, I'm a bit offended."

"Then learn to know if I wanted to see you first 'cause I've been offended eversince we had that conversation..." And I stood up, ready to find another seat when a hand stop me. I looked at him, sending a warning to leave me alone.

"Mr. Hyunsik here is just trying to be civilized, don't be too stiff on him..." The fuck?! "I'm sure he means no harm in greeting you a good morning, right Mr. Hyunsik?" Ryeowook added.

"Yes, yes ofcourse! I just wanted to be polite y'know. Also, I don't know too many people in here so I hope you don't mind if I tag along with you guys?"

T-tag along? Is he kidding me?! This kid is getting on my nerves!

"Yes, I do mind. So please let's respect each other and go your own way..." But he cut me off. "But I'm on my way, my way to you." And he winked then smirked.

Fuck this bullshit! I've had enough of this silly game!

I stood up, ready to punch the shit out of this flirty bitchman when Ryeowook, once again, held me back. He put my right hand down and came close to me.

"Rule number one, know how to play the devil's game..." He whispered then smiled. I huffed some air to calm down my shit and sat again. I looked at this piece of shit and smiled.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I had a nightmare so I started bad this morning..." I looked at Ryeowook and he just nodded. I turned to Hyunsik again and saw him smiling. "A-and thank you for that pick-up line but it's too cheesy, you need more practice."

Hyunsik laughed. It's odd but atleast I made him laugh. "Oh god Kyungsoo! You're too brutally honest, makes me want you more!" And he chuckled eventhough I'm about to lose it again. Okay Kyungsoo, just calm down, stay calm. "And what did just happened? What's the deal between you and Ryeowook? Are you secret lovers or what? 'Cause if you were, I'm up for the challenge. I'm ready to snatch Kyungsoo away from you."

Ryeowook chuckled a bit. "No, we're not. I'm just his hyung and he's my dongsaeng. Close friends outside work." He explained.

"How close?" Hyunsik asked, more interested than ever. "Just right of closeness. Formal yet friendly to each other. Kyungsoo doesn't want too closeness y'know?" And he looked at me like he's telling me to ride on what he's saying to this piece of shit.

"Ooohhh...is that so? Call you later okay?" Ryeowook nodded at him. Hyunsik stood up and went to his father's table.

I exhaled heavily. "Forty percent." Huh? What forty percent if this Ryeowook talking about? "What?"

"I gave your performance a forty percent average. Good but not good..."

"Well, I'm not an effective actor so, my bad..." I scoffed.

"Then let's make you one." I looked at him and he has this expression that speaks out: 'I'm gonna turn you into a great actor that you'll win an oscar award...'


"Do you want to get revenge or what?" I became nervous. How did he know I want revenge? "Come with me Kyungsoo..." And he stood up, put down his napkin and walked towards the exit of this restaurant.

I followed him until we stopped at this small park, just beside the hotel premises. He pulled out a box of cigarette and offered some to me but I declined. He shrugged and took one in his hand, got some lighter inside of his jacket suit and lit the tip of the cigarette. I watched him as he blew the smoke into the air.

"I know your plan."


"Don't try to deny it Kyungsoo..."

"Deny what? It's not that I don't know what you're talking about, it's about the fact that I really don't understand you. I mean, why are you suddenly doing this?"

He huffed some smoke in the air. "I'll go straight to the point. I know you want revenge, and I'll help you get justice."


"Use me- My service, my knowledge, everything I've learned for the past twenty seven years in this shitty business..."

"I get your point Ryeowook, but what do you gain if you help me?"

"You propose a deal to me before right? So here's mine..." He looked at me with such conviction in his eyes. "See how many devils are in there? Not to mention the new born devils with them. If you were to deal with those by yourself, then you might not come back to your Jongin alive..."

That ticks the shit out of me. Jongin. Revenge. Justice. All for him. "Why are you doing this? I'm still puzzled by it."

"Cause like what you said to me before, I never abandon a friend, never will." And he smiled at me- A real one. "Do you think I can do it? How will I?" I asked him, not sure about what would happen.

"Okay, here's the deal. You help me with my company and I'll help you to get justice. Let's start by making you into a real actor. Sounds easy?" I hesitantly nodded. "Let's go to my room..."


"Coffee? Tea? Juice? Water?"

"Tea would be nice..." And he goes to his mini bar to make my tea. He gave it to me and went to the window near the chair I was sitting on.

"Hyunsik. He has a crush on you, that's for sure. He's not pretending to be, it's real. So we'll use him against his father..." He started. "But before that, you must take note of these things I'm gonna say. First, you must act normal- Pressured but firm. Devils can smell fear. Second, use the information you have learned against the opponent. Never let them see you doubt about them or else it's game over. Be a devil yourself and don't disguised as one because they hated it- I'm a devil too that's why I knew you're disguised. Be fearless. Don't be brave, be dauntless. If you have to kill th..."

"W-wait! I don't want to kill somebody. I'm more into a revenge that includes the downfall of their company, I want to hurt them little by little, take away everything they've got..."

"Fiesty but still lacking. Kyungsoo, you must understand that in this industry- Our world, you must kill them first before they kill you. You must think ahead and do not be persuaded by your own emotion. You want justice right? Do you think you'll get one if you're afraid to hurt anybody? You want to see their downfall, then what? You're gonna feel bad because their children and family is crying out of the loss? Kyungsoo, did they feel bad about you when Jongin died? Did they showed you mercy before they kill him huh? Think about it Kyungsoo..."

I chuckled. "You sounded like a devil whose persuading me to do bad things..." He looked at me while grinning. "I am a devil Kyungsoo. Soon enough you'll be one..."

"No, I don't think so." I stood up and faced him. "I'm a fallen angel. Once nice, always evil."



I'm all hype at this! Should I add action scenes? My insides are trickling with excitement. XD



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