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On an elongated conference table, ten businessmen are discussing staidly.

"This isn't right! We have to do something about it!"

"We can't just sit here and relax!"

"Who's next?"

"I don't want to die!"

"ENOUGH!"  The estimable man on the front vociferate. "Nobody will die as long as I'm here."

"How can you be sure?"  The man on his mid-40s questioned. The man pulled out a gun and pointed it to the man on the left side. "You dare question my statement Captain Sparrow?"

The room was utterly quiet. No on dares to speak, unless they wanted their heads to be blown off in just one pull of trigger. "I think you've forgotten whom you're talking to, captain. Who am I again? Can you tell me?"

"P-peter...you're Peter Pan."

"We will succeed on this plan! We will take down The Star- El Dorado's life and blood. It's not enough that he's dead, we need to get what's ours! I will make sure our victory!"  Peter Pan enunciated.

"How will we do that? The current CEO of The Star is the gay partner of Kim Jongin, the son of El Dorado. Both of the companies are doing well in the industry."

"What did you just say? Huh?!"  Peter Pan hissed. "The Star is being ruled by the gay partner of Kim Jongin." Captain Jack repeated.

Peter Pan came forward and gripped on the man's collar. "Tell me, do you find it disgusting? Are you loathed by gays?"

All of them are taken aback by the sudden roil of Peter Pan. Did he find it offensive on his part? Or he just hates people who judge those kinds of human beings?  The businessmen wonders.

"N-no Peter Pan, I don't."  Peter Pan loosen the grip and turned away from the crowd. He ball up his fist as he calms down himself. "Who's the partner of Mr. Kim Jongin?"

"Mr. Do Kyungsoo, I think that's the name."

"Don't give me bullshits information, give me facts! I want them by tomorrow okay?" All of them nodded. Eventhough they're all CEOs of their own companies, they couldn't help but to follow Peter Pan's order like his employees. They all know that Pet Pan is apoplectic. He wants to ravage all what's left of the Kim family- That includes Do Kyungsoo.

"If you don't have some more questions and can't present me some genuine facts, then this meeting is through."



"So, how's everything?"

"So far, not good. I've been keeping tracks of the possible leads but I lost them. They've been very stealthy, very secretive about their next step. It's like, they already knew what we're doing..."

"Could be. But as long as we've got this, I know we can't lose..."  Ryeowook smirked. Kyungsoo raised an eyebrow, curious about his statement. Ryeowook showed him a tiny usb, more like a keychain.

"Here..."  He handed it to Kyungsoo. "It contains the information about the said league. All their previous plans, each and every profile of the businessmen included in the alliance. All the necessary information, datas, facts that might be useful for us and the JollyRoger itself."

"Peter Pan and Captain Hook?"

"Also included. But I think they're just frontmen- Dummies for the real people behind JollyRoger. It's better if you keep that thing, I'm a little unkempt." Kyungsoo nodded with satisfaction.

"Ryeowook, thank you."


"For helping me out."

"Hey, did you forget? I, too, have the same goal as you. I need to hand in my fair share of information so that we'll get what we want- You for justice and I for revenge. No need to thank me."

"But still, thank you. I'm almost at my limit before you came, so I'm glad that you're here."

"I'm not up for your cheesy lines or whatever you call it, Kyungsoo. So better stop it before I walk out your door."  They both chuckled. "Okay, okay. I'll stop."

"Oh by the way, do you want to go to a blind date?" Ryeowook mischieviously said that made Kyungsoo became serious.


Ryeowook laughed a little before turning his head to Kyungsoo. "I'm sorry, just kidding. It's not really blind date- But it could be if you wanted..."  Kyungsoo cut him off with a glare. "Okay, it's not a blind date. There's someone I like you to meet. He's a good friend of mine and he's interested on making a business deal with you."


"Well, he likes to call himself Mr. Z. He wants to support our plan."

"Ryeowook! How could you tell it to others?! I thought it's ony between you and me?!"

"Chill, Kyungsoo. He's the one who's providing me with informations regarding JollyRogers and he would like to formally meet you. Like us, he holds some grudge against the league so I decided that it'll be good for us to add some more power to our team." Ryeowook finishes with a beam.

Kyungsoo exhaled. "Okay, when can I meet him?"


Short UD! :D

I'm foretelling guys so I hope you have an idea on the upcoming chapters! I can't wait to show you guys the ending! XD

Vomments? ♥♥



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