Brittany/Britney 2x02

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Week two of being out of the glee club= boring boring boring start to junior year. 

Besides Cheerios, I've done nothing so far. I mean I'm taking three AP classes and the rest are Honors so I can say that I've been swamped with homework but I've been so bored. I just miss singing but I really need to think about whether I can handle being around Finn and Rachel without throwing up. 

"Earth to Jessie" I'm taken out of my trance with Sam's hand waving in my face.

"Oh sorry," I blush.

"Are you still thinking about that club?" He asks me. I nod trying to be honest with the new kid. "Then why don't you just join again?"

I shut my locker as my new friend walks by my side. "It's not that easy. Finn and I have a history where he plays me and I'm sick of it." I huff, "Yes, I love to sing but I can't, I can't be in the same room with him after everything that went down. It's just too soon." I feel Sam's arm around my shoulder now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." He responds blatantly. 

"So, I have a lot of homework tonight, if you wanted to come over and help me." I hold out the last syllable as a plea for him to come over.

"Yea sure, I'll be over with pizza around 4?" Sam offers.

"Sounds great."

Quinn walks up behind me.

"So, little Ms. Glee-Dropout-Finn's-ex-kinda-but-very-jealous-of-Rachel has a date??" I can hear Quinn's smile form on her face.

"It's not a date." I blush and keep walking.

"Umm, hello yes it is." Quinn catches up with me as I try to scurry away faster. "He's coming to your house, and he's bringing over a PIZZA for you. Dinner and a study date all tied up in one" Quinn insists putting her pointer finger in my face.

"I don't know if he even likes me." I give in and turn around to face her.

"Okay, so remember how we did a makeover last year, well I'm giving you one tonight. The sisters from different misters are back for one night only!" Quinn screams, everyone looking at the insane blonde Cheerios but ignoring it since we have more power than most of them. (Jeez that sounds mean lol).

I walk with Quinn, arm in arm to her Mercedes that her mum must've given her back.

"Wait, I drove today. Just meet me at my house, or follow me home or whatever." I say and the prettier blonde nods along with me.

I get to my house and I check the time on my phone as my best friend pulls in.

"We've only got an hour give or take until surfer boy arrives!" I call to her as I unlock the house as no one is home.

We get into my room and I shut the door behind us.

Quinn walks over to the closet only to remember that it's a walk in.

"Shit, I forget that your family's rich sometimes." She squeals.

"I'm not wearing a dress Q, I'm just gonna wear like a plain black t-shirt with leggings or something." I shrug.

"Fine, then we're gonna have to really do your makeup and make it look natural but like that no makeup makeup look. Ya know?" She sits down at my vanity as I agree. "And then we could curl your hair a little bit, glam you up."

I pick out my black v-neck and my black leggings. 

"Should I change my shirt because, black on black?" I ask.

"No, black is hot." Quinn nods. "Just make sure you're wearing a push up because it's a v-neck and we wanna see a little something something."

I go back into the closet to change my bra. I walk out and immediately Quinn starts nodding like a maniac.

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