Girls (and Boys) on Film 4x13

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I look at my calendar that hangs on my wall. I look at the last circled number in red, only for me to count 4 weeks after that red mark.

After pacing in my room for about 7 hours, I decide to drive to CVS.

When I return, mom is standing in the kitchen fixing dinner.

She stands over the stove as she mixes something together.

"Hi hun" She says as I try to hide the bag full of future determiners. "what's that"

I look at the bag. Instead of coming clean, I just tell her whatever comes to my mind. "Um, pads"

"I thought you didn't like pads." She replies. Why do moms remember everything?

"eh, they're comfortable sometimes" I shrug and try to leave without a hitch.

She turns back to the stove-top to keep cooking as I walk into the dark hallway to the stairs up to my room.

"You okay?" She calls up to me after she hears my footsteps going up the stairs.


I head into the bathroom to take out the 3 pregnancy tests I bought. I bought the highest reviewed brands I could find at CVS without paying like 20 bucks per test.

I set a timer for 5 minutes after I open the first test. The buzzer goes off and I take a peek at the piece of plastic sitting on the bathroom sink.

The next day I get into school, my stomach in knots over the thought of seeing Finn after the wedding.

"hey" I hear a familiar voice say to me. I turn around and it's Finn. Instead of responding I just keep on walking in front of him, not looking back. "Jess?" I keep pretending to not hear him and I run into the girls bathroom.

Thankfully, there're no students in any of the stalls. I throw up in the toilet, out of nowhere. I wasn't even feeling sick earlier but I guess that's what the next few months are gonna be like.

When I get out of the bathroom, I poke my head out to make sure Finn's not out there still. When the coast's clear, I make my great escape into the choir room. 

The room is empty as I pop a piece of gum into my mouth, ridding myself of morning sickness breath.

My attention is drawn to the hallway when I hear music from Animal House, one of the best songs from any musical is being sung. Shout

The glee kids file in the room and Finn follows them in through the door. 

"We should do a mash off again!" Artie suggests. 

Blaine pops his gelled head up from the back of the classroom. "Boys vs Girls?" He raises his eyebrows.

"But what would the theme be?" Finn asks.

"We've never done a theme before for this" I say as Finn walks over to the whiteboard, scribbling something on it.

"Movies." Finn says as he looks proudly at what he wrote on the whiteboard. "You guys will create numbers from your favorite movies and mash them together and compete against each other."

"not bad Hudson" I say to him.

"Thanks Peters" He winks at me.

I get up and walk away from him and check on how the girls are doing.

"We've decided on doing Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend mashed with Material Girl." Marley says to me.

"Wow, that's awesome!" I smile at the girls. "I have a favor to ask" They're all ears now. "I was wondering, could I perform with you guys? I know it's kinda weird but I dunno" I laugh nervously.

★·.·'¯'·.·★ sᏢᎪᏒᏦs fᏞᎽᎥᏁᎶ ᎥᏁ ᏞᎥmᎪ★·.·'¯'·.·★Where stories live. Discover now