Movin' Out 5x04

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After the dream I had a few nights ago, I noticed that I haven't really been leaving Finn's side. Just the dream felt so real which was scary as hell. 

I'm still struggling with how to tell my mom that I'm not only engaged but I'm pregnant as well. No one knows besides Finn which is good that at least he knows.

"Come on" Finn says, plopping me with a pillow. "Time to get up"

"Why- what are you doing up so early?" I yawn when Finn lifts the pillow off of my face.

"I'm coming into school with you today!" Finn pipes up just like he did when he was high on vitamin D back in high school that one day.

"Oh god" I smile, climbing out of bed before I give Finn a peck on the cheek.

I get changed into my outfit of the day and Finn decides to pack me and him both a lunch.

The stairs seem steeper than I remember as I run down them to meet Finn at the kitchen table.

"Why are you coming in today again?" I ask, taking a bite of my muffin from Stop and Shop.

Finn takes a second to answer as he eats his cereal. "Because, they're having a career fair so I figured I should come in for Burt's Tire Shop and talk about being a mechanic." He says perkily

"Weren't you gonna focus on tryna become a teacher?" I ask, if my memory serves me correctly.

"Yup, but this is what I'm doing for now before I officially get my degree"

Finn and I take his truck to school and once we get in, there's tables all through out the hallway for different career paths.

"This is so cool!" Finn smiles like a little boy.

Sue and Mr. Schue are having a discussion over in the corner that I can tell is getting a little heated because Mr. Schue's vein in his head is popping out like it does when he's angry.

Mr. Schue turns and faces me and signals me over to come talk to him.

I leave Finn as he waddles through all the different examples that are for the students.

"We're setting up an arts booth" Mr. Schue puts his hand on my shoulder. 

"Uh, okay"

"Sue wouldn't let us do one at first because she doesn't believe in careers in the arts or whatever, but I sorta forced her into it." Mr. Schue says bragging a little bit.

"Okay cool" I smile "What can I do?"

"So, what I was thinking was that you could sorta run it and all. Just sit at the table and-" He gets cut off by Finn.

"woah, can I help?"

"Finn, you literally have your own table to run" I laugh at his forgetfulness.

"oh" He laughs, "Right" he goes to his table and takes out everything he needs to prep for the students that will flood the halls any second now.

"So" Mr. Schue redirects the conversation, "Just talk about the possibilities with a career in the arts-"

"Why should I be an advocate for the arts when I'm becoming a teacher" I laugh

"Because, you co-direct glee club with me so"

"Wait, when did I officially become 'co- director'?" I ask, excitement increasing with my new title of importance.

"Since I decided that you're ready for it" He smiles.

"Thank you" I hug Mr. Schue 

"Anyways, so your job is to sit and hand them brochures and such to the kids who stop by the table" He instructs me

"Okay, sounds like a plan"

I walk over and set up the table when Marley walks up to me.

"Hey girl" I smile.

"Interested in a career in the arts?" I look up at the sophomore standing tall in front of me.

"I'm thinking about it, but I also sorta wanna be part of law enforcement or something like that. They're like superheroes.. ya know?" She explains "But then again, I am just a sophomore"

"Never too early to start planning for your future" I smile. "Want one anyways?" I pick up a pamphlet and show it to her.

"Okay. Thanks" She takes it and walks away.

Well, that was kinda weird.

Kids keep walking by without batting an eye at me or the bold pastel sign I have in front of my table.

I'm on my phone when I feel a shadow looking down at me.

"There's no careers in the arts, just give up now" Sue Sylvester stands in front of me.

"Then why'd you give Mr. Schue a table for this?" I ask, confused as to why Sue has such mood swings.

She ignores my question in her usual Sue style, "no one's gonna stop by your pity stand so you might as well go sit over with your boy toy because lube is even more interesting than being an actor or a singer or blah" She says harshly.

I decide to just keep sitting on my phone, hoping that someone will come by and prove her wrong.

Luckily, Sam Evans is just the person to do that.

"There's no way I'm getting into any schools so I might as well start getting into stripping again" He shrugs at me

"No, I'm not gonna allow you to think that. Just because you didn't do so well in school doesn't mean that you're gonna amount to nothing Sam. You're smart, just in an unconventional way. I mean, you're a pretty good looking guy Sam, have you ever thought about becoming an actor or even a model?"

I hand him an acting and modeling pamphlet.

"Well, I have always wanted my junk to be on a huge bus advertisement." He says looking at the modeling brochure. "Thanks Jess, you're awesome" He smiles and rushes out of the hallway.

The career fair ends and I had only two kids show up but that's fine. It's quality not quantity I guess...

I go into the choir room where it seems that the glee club meeting has already begun.

Billy Joel is scribbled on the whiteboard with Sam and Blaine over playing the piano but I don't stop and watch the performance, instead I decide to go out in the hallway just to hangout with Finn as he cleans up his stand.

"You know what we should do?" I walk up to him and smile up at the tall man in front of me.

He looks confused so I just spell it out for him, "We should go to New York!"

"I would babe but I have so much work to do at the tire shop and just I don't think I can just pick myself up and leave so suddenly."

"It's not like we'd be moving there, I just wanna go and visit everyone."

"You actually want to, willingly, see Rachel?" Finn raises his eyebrows.

"I just miss high school sometimes, that's all" I shrug and realize that Finn won't leave work. "Are you like having an affair or something because you've been working a lot at the tire shop lately.." I jump to conclusions even though I don't think Finn would ever hurt me like that.

"God no, did you really just accuse me of cheating?" He over reacts, per usual.

"I didn't mean it like that, I just, you're so secretive sometimes." I put my hands up, signaling my confusion.

"I gotta go to work. I'll see ya at home." He says and storms away.

And everyone thought Rachel was the dramatic one...

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