Grilled Cheesus 2x03

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"Hey Jessie?" Finn called from the kitchen. I got up off the couch with Sam and we walked over to the voice.


"Look what just happened" Finn says in shock as he showed us the grilled cheese he started making five minutes ago.

"Oh my god, it's a grilled Cheesus." I muttered.

"Oh hold grilled Cheesus, all hail grilled Cheesus." Sam says as both him and Finn drop to the ground on their knees and pray to the sandwich.

"Oh my god, you two are insane." I playfully roll my eyes. "Well, I have to leave to get ready for the game tonight, you guys should too."

I get in my car and drive home. Mom's probably sleeping since she's been wicked depressed lately and I have no idea where Liam is as usual.

I get zipped into my polyester perfection, pull my hair up into a tight high pony and grab my white sneakers.

"Mom, I'm going to the game." I call upstairs. No response. I get out a pen and paper and leave mom a note just in case she wakes up.

I check the clock on the stove and the neon numbers stare a bright 5:30 back at me.

I get in Quinn's car and drive over to the field. I'm greeted by the rest of the Cheerios and their red and white pom poms. 

I know that I'm kinda dating Sam but my eyes are locked on number 5. I see Finn look at me through his helmet. He smiles at me and I look away, swaying my poms around like I'm supposed to. Occasionally yelling 'let's go Titans' or something to that extent. 

The game ends and we win for once, something feels weird. I run to the field to give Sam a congratulatory hug as I hear Finn's voice yell 'Thank you Grilled Cheesus'.

I turn around and walk over to the tall brunette.

"What did you just say?" I look up and chuckle.

"I prayed to win the game and we did! I have another prayer but I can't tell you what I prayed for unless you make it come true Jess. Do the right thing" He puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Okay, I'll try" I look at him in confusion.

As I walk back to Sam I look over my shoulder to see Finn looking back at me with a smile plastered on his face. I try not to blush but I can't help it.

Sam notices the flush on my cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?"

"I think I'm just cold." I laugh it off rubbing my arms.

"Oh, here, take my jacket" Sam offers giving me his letterman and draping it over my shoulders.

"Thanks" I look at the bleached blonde and hold the jacket close to my shoulders, ensuring that it won't fall off.

"Anytime." Sam puts his arm around me and pulls me in closer. 

"I think I have to go though, I have a ton of homework to do still." I laugh taking off the oversized jacket.

"You can keep it if you want.." Sam says.

"no, you need it for Monday and plus I have my cheerios jacket. Thanks anyways." I give him back the leather and wool jacket.

Quinn gives me a lift back home and I tell her everything.

"I think I still like Finn but the whole Sam thing is confusing. He's cute but I still like Finn. Even though Finn kinda put me through hell a while ago, doesn't mean when he talks to me or texts me and stuff that I don't still have a feeling down inside that I want to be with him." I sigh and Quinn keeps her eyes on the road.

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